UW News
February 18, 2014
Embarking on geoengineering, then stopping, would speed up global warming

Carrying out geoengineering for several decades and then stopping would cause warming at a rate more than double that expected due to global warming.
December 17, 2013
Hack the planet? Geoengineering research, ethics, governance explored

A special interdisciplinary issue of the journal Climatic Change includes the most detailed description yet of the proposed Oxford Principles to govern geoengineering research, and surveys the technical hurdles, ethics and regulatory issues related to deliberately manipulating the planet’s climate.
August 20, 2012
Experiment would test cloud geoengineering as way to slow warming

A University of Washington scientist has proposed an experiment to test cloud brightening, a geoengineering concept that alters clouds in an effort to counter global warming.