Jim Thomson
September 28, 2022
UW-developed wave sensors deployed to improve hurricane forecasts

Researchers dropped technology developed at the University of Washington off the coast of Florida this week to measure ocean waves in the path of Hurricane Ian. The test is one part of a broad effort to improve forecasts for these fast-moving and deadly systems.
February 27, 2020
Video: Warming Arctic means less ice, bigger waves

Throughout the month of November 2019, a team of University of Washington researchers chased storms in the Arctic Ocean. The project, Coastal Ocean Dynamics in the Arctic, or CODA, is looking at how water currents shift and waves hit the coast with more open water, to provide better forecasts and predictions for the region’s future.
November 5, 2019
Fall storms, coastal erosion focus of northern Alaska research cruise

A University of Washington team is leaving to study how fall storms, dwindling sea ice and vulnerable coastlines might combine in a changing Arctic.
October 23, 2019
UW team sending autonomous surfboard to explore Antarctic waters

This week a UW team is releasing a robotic surfboard to explore the surface ocean around Antarctica.
April 25, 2019
Public talks kick off study of ice loss, warming and coastal changes in northern Alaska

A UW team will visit Alaska’s North Slope Borough the week of April 28 in preparation for a two-year study of how waves, ice loss and warming are affecting the low-lying region.
September 20, 2017
Wave Glider surfs across stormy Drake Passage in Antarctica

A hardy ocean drone made a first-ever attempt to surf across Antarctica’s stormy Drake Passage gathering data about ocean mixing.
July 29, 2014
Huge waves measured for first time in Arctic Ocean

The first measurements of waves in the middle of the Arctic Ocean recorded house-sized waves during a September 2012 storm. More sensors are going out this summer to study waves in newly ice-free Arctic waters.
June 16, 2014
Ferries for science: Instrument will monitor flow in Puget Sound

The UW, the state Department of Ecology and Washington State Ferries are working together to get a better understanding of water circulation in Puget Sound.