John Delaney
August 1, 2016
Twelve UW faculty elected to the Washington State Academy of Sciences

A dozen scientists and engineers from the University of Washington have been elected to the Washington State Academy of Sciences. According to a statement released by the organization, the new members were selected for “their outstanding record of scientific achievement and willingness to work on behalf of the academy in bringing the best available science…
June 6, 2016
See, hear and study the deep sea: Ocean Observatories Initiative data now live

Data is now streaming from the deep sea, thanks to an observatory installed in this region by the University of Washington as part of a larger National Science Foundation initiative to usher in a new age of oceanographic research.
July 15, 2015
Students, researchers at sea working on recently erupted deep-sea volcano

A team of researchers, engineers and students is now at sea to check the equipment in a massive seafloor laboratory, where underwater stations off the Pacific Northwest coast collect data and provide a real-time, virtual eye on the deep sea for people on shore.
April 30, 2015
Seafloor sensors record possible eruption of underwater volcano

Sensors on the ocean’s floor installed by UW researchers show that late on April 23, a seismic event took place on the 3,000-foot underwater volcano off Oregon’s coast.
September 18, 2013
Cables, instruments installed in the deep sea off Pacific Northwest coast

In a seven-week cruise this past summer, oceanographers and students laid 14 miles of extension cable and installed about a dozen instruments for a historic deep-sea observatory.
July 1, 2013
Work this summer extends reach of cabled deep-ocean observatory

A UW research vessel leaves July 2 for six weeks at sea, during which oceanographers will install miles of cable for a new type of deep-sea observatory.
May 22, 2013
New documentary on cabled ocean observatory airs on UWTV

A new half-hour documentary about a UW research expedition to Axial Seamount, an underwater volcano off the Washington coast, airs tonight at 9:30 p.m. on UWTV.
April 15, 2013
Preparing to install the world’s largest underwater observatory

Engineers at the UW’s Applied Physics Laboratory are under pressure to build and test parts for installation this summer in the world’s largest deep-ocean observatory off the Washington and Oregon coasts.
December 12, 2012
Award recognizes UW oceanographer’s talent for engaging public

The American Geophysical Union has presented its top prize for engaging the public in science to UW’s John Delaney.
July 22, 2011
The cable has landed: Ocean science history in the making — with slideshow

Submarine cables for the nations first regional cabled ocean observatory, a project led by the University of Washington, made landfall last week on the Oregon coast.
August 19, 2010
Surf your way to a deep-ocean research expedition
Journey 300 miles off the Washington-Oregon coast and dive nearly a mile deep into the ocean as scientists and 20 students use underwater robots to explore, map and sample methane ice deposits, an underwater volcano and seafloor hot springs spewing water up to 570 degrees F.
August 21, 2008
Underwater scout: New robot searches out best locations for components of undersea lab

Like a deep-sea bloodhound, Sentry — the newest in an elite group of unmanned submersibles able to operate on their own in demanding and rugged environments — has helped scientists pinpoint optimal locations for two observation sites of a pioneering seafloor laboratory being planned off Washington and Oregon.
October 18, 2007
Delaney to speak on ‘environmental renaissance’
John Delaney, the UW oceanographer who is leading the effort to build a cabled underwater observatory off the Washington and Oregon coasts, will speak on Tuesday, Oct.
May 24, 2007
New hires, planning under way for proposed $130 million ocean observatory
Peter Barletto, who has more than three decades of experience with submarine cable systems and networks, started work at the University of Washington Monday, joining the project team tasked with developing detailed engineering specifications for a cabled underwater research facility to be built off the coast of Washington and Oregon.
May 25, 2006
Proposed budget includes money for cabled observatory off Washington
With $150 million in President Bush’s proposed budget to install a cabled seafloor observatory off Washington and Oregon, a planning session is being convened June 5 for UW faculty and departments to learn how they might take advantage of this new facility for earth and ocean research and education.
May 18, 2006
Professor John Delaney named to endowed chair in sensor networks
John Delaney, University of Washington professor of oceanography, has been named the first holder of the Jerome M.
October 13, 2005
HDTV, live from the seafloor
With clever engineering and being in the right spot, under the right satellite, UW oceanographers working with Computing & Communications and the ResearchChannel became the first team in the world to broadcast high-definition video from the seafloor to selected sites around the world Sept.