Office of the University Architect
April 28, 2017
New augmented reality app ‘GoHuskies’ gives UW community unique look at current and future campus
![An app user holds up a phone with Kane Hall in the background](
The University of Washington community has a new tool — designed as a digital scavenger hunt — to explore and learn about the existing Seattle campus as well as plans for the future.
October 5, 2016
Building ‘up not out’: Draft UW Campus Master Plan for 2018 now seeking public input
![aerial of UW campus](
A new proposed draft Campus Master Plan for 2018 sees the University of Washington’s Seattle campus growing up rather than out — building a little higher, filling in with more density, not expanding its borders, helping to ease transportation flow and creating big new green spaces. 2018 draft Campus Master Plan — opportunities for public…
May 11, 2016
New project to shine light on dark places around UW campus
![Lighting along Rainier Vista on the UW campus.](
An interdisciplinary team of students, faculty and staff together with lighting design experts is asking the UW community those questions as part of a new plan to improve the efficiency and sustainability of outdoor lighting around the Seattle campus.