UW News

School of Oceanography

January 11, 2010

Microbe understudies await their turn in the limelight

On the marine microbial stage, there appears to be a vast group of understudies only too ready to step in when

August 21, 2008

Underwater scout: New robot searches out best locations for components of undersea lab

Like a deep-sea bloodhound, Sentry — the newest in an elite group of unmanned submersibles able to operate on their own in demanding and rugged environments — has helped scientists pinpoint optimal locations for two observation sites of a pioneering seafloor laboratory being planned off Washington and Oregon.

January 31, 2008

Lost City pumps life-essential chemicals at rates unseen at typical black smokers

Hydrocarbons — molecules critical to life — are being generated by the simple interaction of seawater with the rocks under the Lost City hydrothermal vent field in the mid-Atlantic Ocean.

November 15, 2007

Scientists coaxing world’s oceans to reveal subsurface secrets

The only global-ocean climate-monitoring system — comprised of satellites and specialized floats — passed a milestone earlier this month when a UW and Scripps Institution of Oceanography expedition was in a position to deploy Argo float No.

October 18, 2007

Delaney to speak on ‘environmental renaissance’

John Delaney, the UW oceanographer who is leading the effort to build a cabled underwater observatory off the Washington and Oregon coasts, will speak on Tuesday, Oct.

May 24, 2007

New hires, planning under way for proposed $130 million ocean observatory

Peter Barletto, who has more than three decades of experience with submarine cable systems and networks, started work at the University of Washington Monday, joining the project team tasked with developing detailed engineering specifications for a cabled underwater research facility to be built off the coast of Washington and Oregon.

November 2, 2006

UW students on the case (and on the ship) researching problems in Puget Sound

While the Seattle Post-Intelligencer was running a six-part series on problems plaguing Puget Sound, UW undergraduates, graduate students and faculty were at work on board the UW’s 274-foot research vessel gathering information needed to help puzzle out some of the sound’s most pressing problems.

July 29, 2005

Amazon source of 5-year-old river breath

The rivers of South America’s Amazon basin are “breathing” far harde — cycling the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide more quickly — than anyone realized.

August 7, 2003

Seafloor vent systems may have spawned earliest life

Black smoker hydrothermal vent systems may have the fire power, but the staying power of seafloor hydrothermal vent systems like the bizarre Lost City vent field — discovered just two and a half years ago — is one reason they may have been incubators of some of Earth’s earliest life, say UW scientists and their co-authors in a recent issue of Science.

April 10, 2002

Tropical streams, rivers ‘exhaling’ millions of tons more CO2 than thought


February 13, 2002

Scientists delve into North Pacific mystery of changing oxygen

Oxygen in the upper waters of the North Pacific, an area that accounts for about 40 percent of the world’s oceans, decreased as much as 15 percent in a little under two decades between the early 1980s and late 1990s.

September 19, 2000

‘Argo’ on quest for better climate forecasts

A University of Washington oceanographer is in Washington, D.C., today for a press conference announcing the first phase of a program that could take climate forecasting to the next level of accuracy by routinely making measurements up to a mile beneath the sea surface at points across all the world’s oceans.

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