UW Current

Discovery is at the heart of our university.

  • Do you wonder whether Pacific Northwesterners have an accent?
  • Are you curious what your eyes reveal about your risk of Alzheimer’s?
  • Do you know what your car’s worn tires mean for coho salmon?

UW’s community of experts, researchers, artists, students and talented individuals are driven by the same curiosity and a need to channel their knowledge for good.

Subscribe to UW Current, our monthly newsletter, to discover the latest on new innovations, useful tips and information, and eye-opening stories coming out of the UW community.

Featured stories in the latest issue

Renewing student creativity

A sustainable partnership is giving surplus campus trees new life as affordable building materials — and providing real-world experience for student furniture makers.


20 years of extraordinary alumni impact

Celebrate two decades of alumni changemakers in business, human rights and health across the globe.


UW ranks no. 15 in world

Times Higher Education has recognized the UW for being a leader in bringing together researchers from different fields to tackle big challenges, ranking it No. 15 in the world for interdisciplinary science research.