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Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity

We create pathways for diverse populations to access postsecondary opportunities, nurture and support their academic success, and cultivate a campus climate that enriches the educational experience for all.

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Today, our programs serve:


high school students in college access program

Students served in 86 school districts, 179 schools and 19 two-year colleges through the state of Washington as they prepare and plan for college

College Access


math drop in center

UW undergraduate students provided with new student orientation, academic advising, instructional support, mentoring, financial aid and scholarship opportunities

Student Success


undergrad students at GEG symposium

Students assisted as they prepare for, apply to, and succeed in graduate and professional programs

Graduate & Professional Prep

Honoring Place

The University of Washington acknowledges the Coast Salish peoples of this land, the land which touches the shared waters of all tribes and bands within the Suquamish, Tulalip and Muckleshoot nations.*

*The language we use to honor place was developed over the course of several years by the UW Tribal Liaison with input from tribal elders, elected tribal leaders, attendees of the annual UW Tribal Leadership Summit, the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians, UW Native American Advisory Board and others across our community. This language template is spoken by UW leadership during events to acknowledge that our campus sits on occupied land. We recognize that this is a difficult, painful and long history, and we thank the original caretakers of this land.


The Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity (OMA&D) has its roots in student-led activism and society’s calls for equity and change. On May 20, 1968, members of the Black Student Union and their supporters occupied the office of UW President Charles E. Odegaard. The activists demanded an increase in minority student enrollment, an increase in minority faculty and administrators and the establishment of a program in Black studies. UW administration responded by appointing Dr. Charles Evans special assistant to the president who established the Special Education Program, the forerunner of what became the Office of Minority Affairs in 1970. This new office was given dedicated funds, a clear mandate and a visionary leader, Dr. Samuel E. Kelly who assumed the role of vice president, also in 1970. The first African American senior administrator at the UW, Dr. Kelly helped open doors for hundreds of underrepresented minority, educationally and economically disadvantaged students. Many of the innovative programs he and his staff developed continue to this day. OMA&D celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2018.

OMA&D History

Support OMA&D

Intellectual House Campaign | Phase 2

In complement to wǝɫǝbʔaltxʷ, Phase 2 will fulfill the original campaign vision by introducing a Native student-focused center to campus.

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Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)

Funding scholarship and supportive resources for students who may have unmet financial needs.

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Instructional Center

Delivering holistic academic mentorship and tutoring helping students to thrive in UW’s most challenging majors.

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VP Fund for Access & Opportunity

Advancing special projects, initiatives and impact opportunities as directed by VP Rickey Hall.

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