by Crystal Florez (written on July 26)

Being welcomed into Ghana was a completely new and exciting experience for everyone in our group. We didn’t know what to expect, however, we were brimming with joy and excitement as we found a wetlands boat ride awaiting us. Some of us were scared of the stability of the boats but we joked around enough to forget about our fears. The sights of the wetlands were beautiful with all of the creatures that we discovered along the way.
All of us were very excited by the swings we spotted on the beach; however, we were quickly shot down because of the sign posted which stated that they were only for children under 12 years.
Before we returned to our starting point in Bojo Beach we got a chance to wiggle our toes through the sands and water of the magnificent Atlantic Ocean. Pure elation was felt by everybody. This was the perfect way to start our trip.