by Krista C. DeFils (written on July 22)
Today was a great day! We left bright and early and loaded up into the tour bus to take a ride through different parts of the island. One of our first stops was at St. James Anglican Parish Church which was the first church built in Barbados. It was so cool to see a church that has huge historical meaning for the country. We were surprised to see in the second row of one of the pews was a plaque that was put in because that’s where President Ronald Reagan sat when he came to Barbados. Although he wasn’t one of my favorite presidents, it was still cool to see!

We left the church and headed to our tour of “Harrison’s Cave” which was named afer the man owning the land around the time the cave was discovered. We were able to go inside with a tour group and drive through the cave. It was really cool to see real stalagmites and stalactites, and I finally can remember the difference between the two now. After leaving there we made our way to the Animal Flower Forest where there was an amazing view of the Atlantic Ocean side of the island. It was a great spot for a group picture so that’s what we decided to do.

After that we needed to eat dinner, but it started raining suddenly and by the time we were back near UWI many of the streets had flooded! I guess they don’t have a sewage draining system which is especially bad for the people on foot. Because we were in the tour bus and were ready for dinner and most restaurants were closed due to the weather, we were forced to order pizza since it was the only thing open nearby that would accept debit cards. We went back to the dorms but some of us left to go back out to the movies to see “Friends with Benefits” with Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis, while the other half of the group relaxed at the dorms.