Where are they now?
What have you been up to since graduating UW?
“Yeah, so I graduated in June 2019 and since I’ve been graduated, I’ve been working at Accenture which is a large consulting firm and a lot of the projects I’ve been working on has been within the data science realm. So having a lot of fun creating the dry stations and reports.”
Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years?
“Within 5 to 10 years, I would ideally like to be a manager at a tech company. I don’t have any specific systems, you know, which one I would like to be in. But in Seattle, there are plenty of options. And so of course, this will continue my career in technology.”
What is something you learned during college that you still use?
“Honestly, a lot of the soft skills, a lot of the taking on initiatives and being able to talk to people in an efficient manner and getting your points across. Within industry, it’s really really important to have those people skills because they get you further in your career.”
Biggest piece of advice for current students?
“I’d say, making sure to be involved in all the different resources that are available. Just because in college, there are a lot of resources that are available to students that aren’t necessarily there when you’re outside of college, such as joining on different minority groups or different lives, things like that. It gives you a lot of experience and they also give you the opportunity to meet other folks that have the same interests as you.”
How did LSAMP contribute to helping you achieve your goals?
Describe some highlights from your LSAMP experience.
“I think one of the highlights of my experience was being able to meet different people within the STEM community. Just because at UW, it is very difficult to meet other folks that look like you and that are in the same fields as you and so LSAMP gave me the opportunity to do that. And then at the same time, LSAMP also gave me the opportunity to join other resources that helped me to further my education. There’s opportunities for internships and to look into different scholarships.”
What were some of the challenges you faced, in the classroom/student groups/organizations? What got you through it?
“Some of the biggest challenges that come to mind was one on the lot of the weed out courses right during your first coupe years of college. They were difficult and there was a lot of people in those courses. And that’s something that I wasn’t used to, and what got me through it was just being able to meet people through LSAMP and NSBE and other organizations where I can form those study groups to, you know, learn the course material and be able to study for it. And then the other part of that too, I guess, is just being a minority in those spaces too. And the same thing, NSBE just introduced me to a lot of people that helped me get through that as well.”