Assessment and Research at the Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity (AROMAD) provides data/assessment services in relation to federal (NIH, NSF, US Dept. Ed…), state, private, grant and gift proposals, annual performance reports within OMAD and select campus units. We also process and produce organized information to help staff/faculty with better decision making in day-to-day operations, planning, and future policy formation and practice. All operations are aimed at maintaining and enhancing performance and opportunities for first-generation, low-income, and other underserved students.
Assessment and Research at the Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity (AROMAD) was created and organized by Gene Kim, Arlyn Arquiza, and Candy Kamekona on 2014/2015, when Gene was appointed as the first ever full-time Director of Assessment and Research in OMAD. Finally having the opportunity to modernize and automate repetitious and high volume tasks, the team was relieved/delighted to implement/deploy various algorithms via SQL, Python, and R programming language at an official level to address/automate larger and more complex workloads/projects as a cohesive/coordinated yet flexible unit. The team also created a comprehensive project calendar for more efficient and effective service delivery (the team also became a continuously training and preparing/preemptive unit) . Presently, the team still works with various programming languages and illustrates data insights and patterns to various stakeholders. The team also assist in specifically articulating and operationally defining (putting stuff down on paper) assessment/data needs of stakeholders who are at brainstorming/decentralized (“diffused in idea “) developmental stage(s) in their measurement projects.
Our Services
Demographic and Student Performance Data and Reports
Data Requests and Data Training specifically customized for respective program need(s) are reserved for full time OMAD staff members only.
Workshops and Training
Workshops are opened to all UW staff (who are authorized to examine and work with FERPA protected student data).
Maximum Representation
One student, multiple identities respected for increased inclusion in academic and non-academic opportunities.
Meet the Team
Gene Kim

Director of Assessment and Research at OMAD
Arlyn Arquiza

Senior Computer Specialist (Senior OMAD Data Analyst)
Candy Y. Kamekona

Data Analyst