From struggling student to top doc
October 1, 2018
Spirited Welcome Daze Kickoff Luncheon Introduces New Students to Campus
September 27, 2018
OMA&D introduced over 400 new first-year and transfer students, as well as their families and supporters, to the UW at its annual Welcome Daze Kickoff Luncheon at the Husky Union Building, Sept. 21.
Student Blog Update: Our First Few Days in Brisbane
August 26, 2018
Sydney was a great time for all of us to take it easy, bond, and do all the standard Australia tourist-y things we wanted to do (see: obligatory Sydney Opera House picture in each person’s camera roll).
Student Blog Update: Get to Know The Whole Crew!
August 21, 2018
Now that you guys have gotten to know Lunden and me pretty well, it’s only fair that we give everyone else on this trip a fair chance. We asked the students and faculty with us...
Student Blog Update: First Days Down Under
August 20, 2018
G’day mates! I’m here to update you on our trip. When we first arrived to Australia we stayed in a youth hostel in Sydney, New South Wales. The hostel had a restaurant attached...
Student Blog Update: Getting to Know Australian Blogger Lunden Harris
August 17, 2018
Hi! My name is Lunden Harris and I will be one of two study abroad bloggers keeping you updated on our adventure down under! My 2018 UW STEM Study Abroad group will be studying at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia.
Fonseca Named Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center Director
August 13, 2018
Magdalena Fonseca, '98, '11, who has worked with OMA&D for the past 18 years, previously served as the Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center's associate director from 2012-2017 and assistant director from 2003-2014.
Student Blog Update: Getting to Know Australian Blogger Cara Mischinski
August 11, 2018
UW sophomore Cara Mischinski is preparing to depart for Brisbane, Australia with the OMA&D and LSAMP-affiliated exploration seminar and is sharing regular updates on our Student Blog throughout the trip.
OMA&D Mourns Passing of Alumnus Donald D. Haley
August 2, 2018
The Honorable Donald D. Haley, a two-time University of Washington graduate who was a leader in Seattle’s African American and judicial communities, passed away on July 30, at the age of 85.
Dorsey Named President & CEO of College Success Foundation
July 30, 2018
After serving as executive director of the Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity’s Washington MESA program for 10 years, James Dorsey has been named president and CEO of the College Success Foundation.