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  • No Longer Invisible: Shwe Zin

    June 11, 2015

    Shwe Zin

    "My eldest sister was born 4 months after the 1988 uprising in Burma. Not long after she was born, my father fled across the border to Thailand, along with the many students involved in the uprising."

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  • OMA&D’s Ross Braine Named 2015 UW Distinguished Staff Award Recipient

    June 8, 2015

    Ross Braine - 2015 Distinguished Staff Award

    Iisaaksiichaa Ross Braine, director of wǝɫǝbʔaltxʷ - Intellectual House and the UW Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity’s tribal liaison, will be honored as one of five Distinguished Staff Award recipients at the UW’s 45th annual Awards of Excellence Ceremony on Thur., June 11, at 3:30 p.m., in Meany Hall Auditorium.

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  • No Longer Invisible: Johnny Le

    June 5, 2015

    Johnny Le

    "I come from a family that believes in showing vs saying. As a kid, I always found it hard that my parents never told me they "loved" me or praise me for my efforts like I saw my friend's parents do."

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  • No Longer Invisible: Ly Huynh

    June 3, 2015

    Ly Huynh

    "My father's family immigrated after the Vietnam War. My paternal grandfather was a south Vietnamese military police officer and his family was specifically targeted after the war."

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  • No Longer Invisible: Nicki McClung

    June 1, 2015

    Nicki McClung

    "One of the strongest aspects of Japanese culture is the family aspect. Even when my family came to North America there was always such an emphasis on family."

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  • No Longer Invisible: Jes Phillip

    May 29, 2015

    Jes Phillip

    "I was born and raised on the island of Chuuk, Micronesia. My family moved to the U.S for better education and job opportunities. It wasn't easy to transition from a small island to a big country, but because my parents had hope for my siblings and I, they tried their very best to move all of us to the U.S."

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  • No Longer Invisible: Benny Tran

    May 28, 2015

    Benny Tran

    "Like many others, my family migrated to the US in hope of finding opportunity and a better life. They migrated in different waves and worked to establish themselves so that the next group of family members would have something to come to and look forward to."

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  • No Longer Invisible: Faridah Abdullah

    May 27, 2015

    Faridah Abdullah

    "In my opinion, I feel that there is a distinction between Cham culture and Cham Islam culture. The last ruler of the Kingdom of Champa was a Muslim and converted majority of the Chams under his reign to Islam. "

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  • No Longer Invisible: Sumitra Chhetri

    May 26, 2015

    Sumitra Chhetri

    "Before moving to the United States, My family lived in the Bhutanese refugee camps in Nepal for more than 20 years. I was born in the camp."

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  • No Longer Invisible: Ta Kwe Say

    May 25, 2015

    Ta Kwe Say

    "I have more than one home. I was born in Burma. So that could be my motherland. I like to call Kent, WA my home, too, because I grew up there. I belong here. I am part of this community. I'm one of the few students from Burma attending the University of Washington."

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