UW Community Gathers to Greet New ECC Director
February 9, 2012
OMA&D’s Ethnic Cultural Center staff hosted a special event to welcome new ECC director Marisa Herrera to the University on Tues., Feb. 7, in Condon Hall. UW staff and students gathered to meet Herrera and enjoy purple-themed desserts and ice cream floats. Formerly an assistant director of Undergraduate Admissions at Stanford, Herrera joined OMA&D in December. She has also worked…
Staff Endowments Benefit UW Students
February 7, 2012
While their reasons may be different, OMA&D staff members Jan Kendle, Emile Pitre, and Ann Vu Loveridge have a common mission. They have established or are contributing to endowed scholarships that benefit UW students. Kendle is honoring her mother’s passion for teaching. Pitre is being acknowledged for his long-time service at the OMA&D Instructional Center (IC), while also supporting student…
OMA&D Hosts CEO Roundtable with Kim Hunter
February 2, 2012
Thirteen underrepresented minority students majoring in business and communications took advantage of a special opportunity to engage in a CEO Roundtable with UW alumnus and former Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) student, Kim Hunter, ’82, at PACCAR Hall on Mon., Jan. 30. The meeting, hosted by the UW Office of Minority Affairs and Diversity, gave students the chance to network and…
Fencing Tells a Story at ECC Building Site
January 31, 2012
UW Today features the panels that cover the fencing surrounding the construction site for the new Samuel E. Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center. The panels contain graphical elements that celebrate the history and traditions of the facility currently undergoing an extensive renovation. Read more…
Ethnic Cultural Center Construction Update
January 31, 2012
Jibriil Yusuf, ’10, a project engineer for Andersen Construction who received his bachelor’s degree in construction management from UW, gave ECC Director Marisa Herrera a tour of the facility’s construction site on Friday, Jan. 27. View the photos taken on their tour that also document the progress made thus far.
Meet the New ECC Director Feb. 7
January 30, 2012
Members of the UW community are invited to join OMA&D in welcoming new Ethnic Cultural Center Director, Marisa Herrera, on Tues., Feb. 7, from 3-5 p.m. in Condon Hall, 711E. Faculty, staff and students will have the opportunity to meet the new director during this special event featuring a short program, mingling and dessert. Read more…
Snoqualmie Indian Tribe Pledges $100K to Intellectual House
January 26, 2012
The Snoqualmie Indian Tribe has pledged $100,000 to support the design and construction of the University of Washington’s Intellectual House, a longhouse-style facility to be built on the UW Seattle campus that will serve Native American students, faculty, and staff. The donation will be matched by the UW’s matching fund initiative, yielding a total of $200,000. “The Snoqualmie Indian Tribe…
Herrera Joins OMA&D as New ECC Director
January 18, 2012
Marisa Herrera, formerly an assistant director of Undergraduate Admissions at Stanford, has joined the UW Office of Minority Affairs and Diversity (OMA&D) staff as the new director of the Ethnic Cultural Center (ECC)/Theatre, effective Dec. 15. “Marisa brings a great deal of experience and knowledge to the position from her previous work in student services, housing, and admissions at institutions…
New Ethnic Cultural Center To Be Named In Honor of Dr. Samuel E. Kelly
January 12, 2012
The University of Washington Office of Minority Affairs and Diversity’s (OMA&D) new Ethnic Cultural Center (ECC) will be named in honor of the late Dr. Samuel E. Kelly, the founding vice president for the department and a pioneer for diversity on campus. The UW Board of Regents approved the naming of the center at its meeting on Jan. 12.
Peoples To Receive 2012 Odegaard Award
January 9, 2012
Gertrude Peoples, a special assistant with the University of Washington football program and the former director of the UW’s Student-Athlete Academic Services, is the 2012 recipient of the UW Charles E. Odegaard Award, Vice President for Minority Affairs and Vice Provost for Diversity Sheila Edwards Lange announced Monday. The award will be presented at the 42nd annual EOP Celebration, Fête…