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  • La Orana! First Week in Tahiti!

    August 1, 2012


    Our first week in Tahiti has been quite eventful! We focused mainly on oral and written traditions. In the Tahitian culture, most traditions are passed down from generation to generation, orally and vertically rather than horizontally.

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  • Ngoni

    July 30, 2012

    Working on the instruments

    This week we had a lot of free time to explore the village, rest and take care of laundry. So I took the opportunity to get started on my final project with my partners, Charmaine and Tracy. The ngoni performance we had on our first night really inspired me to turn the experience into my final project.

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  • Ghana Arrival

    July 30, 2012

    Ariel Davis Welcome to Ghana

    We made it to Ghana! The Sankofa II group landed July 17, 2012. In Accra, Ghana! This was the first welcome sign! We are all full of excitement!!

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  • Our Trip to the City of Accra

    July 24, 2012

    courtney_in_front of statue

    Yesterday we went on an all day field trip to the city of Accra. We got to go to the Kwame Nkruma Mausoleum, the Art Market, the W.E.B. Du Bois Center, and then we had dinner at a restaurant called Asanka Local.

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  • New Experiences in Ghana

    July 21, 2012

    Ghanian market

    Today was very full and eventful. We visited the burial of Ghana’s first President, W.E.B Dubois’ house and a museum that featured the history of the people who have inhabited Ghana. It was interesting to see how closely tied our country’s history is to Ghanaian history...

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  • Meet Tahiti Blogger Perla Flores

    July 20, 2012

    Meet Tahiti Blogger Perla Flores

    Hello everyone! My name is Perla Flores. I will be a sophomore this upcoming fall at the University of Washington where I plan on majoring in either Law, Society and Justice or Business. I am from a small town up north called Marysville.

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  • Akwaaba

    July 19, 2012


    Akwaaba means "Welcome." "Medasi" means thank you. Those are two of the first words that I learned in the Ghanaian language upon arrival. As soon as you walk into the airport (after getting through immigration and the 18 passport checks), you are greeted again and again with Akwaba.

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  • We’re Here!!

    July 18, 2012

    Kafiya, Tiffany, Courtney and Avalon waiting to go through secuirty at Sea Tac

    Getting to Ghana was quite the adventure. We arrived at Sea Tac at 5 a.m. and everyone basically had the same expression on their faces because most of us stayed up so we can knock out on the plane. Our group’s movement through security was kind of slow going...

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  • Meet Tahiti Blogger Veronica Sedano

    July 17, 2012

    Veronica Sedano

    My name is Veronica Sedano and I am a junior at the University of Washington. I plan on majoring in Medical Anthropology and Global Health with a minor in Diversity. I was born in Chelan, Washington and lived in a small town 10 minutes away called Manson.

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  • Barbados Highlights – Weeks 1 and 2

    July 11, 2012

    Barbados Highlights – Weeks 1 and 2

    My first weekend here in Barbados was spent at the Crop Over 2012 Opening Gala. The aroma of delicious food filled the air along with the sound of Barbadian music. Admission was $15 Barbadian dollars ($7.50 USD) and it was well worth it because we got to watch young Barbadians perform at a Youth Talent show.

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