Getting Settled in Barbados
July 18, 2011
Greetings from Barbados! Let me start off by saying that it is absolutely gorgeous here. The weather is humid and hot, but manageable. The first night here was difficult. Our dorms don’t have air conditioning so it was hard to sleep, but when we woke up we had the most beautiful view of the ocean.
Meet the Barbados Student Bloggers
July 17, 2011
by OMA&D Community & Public Relations Back to the Blog
July 14, 2011
by OMA&D Community & Public Relations Welcome to the Office of Minority Affairs and Diversity Student Blog! This new page will provide an opportunity for current and future students, faculty, staff, alumni, community members, and friends to learn more about OMA&D programs and services through the first-hand accounts of our students. The blog will kick-off soon with entries from several…