It has been a busy year for the faculty, staff, students and alumni affiliated with the Office of Minority Affairs and Diversity (OMA&D), and as the spring quarter begins I am pleased to share our stories about the outstanding work happening on campus and in the community. More…
Around Campus
Register Today for EOP CelebrationJoin OMA&D in celebrating our outstanding student scholars and the 2012 Odegaard Award recipient at the 42nd annual EOP Celebration, Fête and Honors on May 10 at the Sheraton Seattle Hotel. More…
Ana Mari Cauce Named UW ProvostAna Mari Cauce, a friend of OMA&D and former College of Arts & Sciences Dean, began her tenure as the UW’s new provost and executive vice president on Jan 2. More…
Alexes Harris to Present Kelly LectureHeld in conjunction with the campus-wide celebration HuskyFest, the eighth annual Samuel E. Kelly Distinguished Faculty Lecture on April 19 will feature Dr. Harris, UW associate professor of sociology. More…
In MemoriamOMA&D mourns the passing of two champions of diversity, Ark Chin and Gordon Hirabayashi. More…
Celebrating Diversity
Gertrude Peoples to Receive 2012 Odegaard AwardFor over 40 years, Peoples has connected UW students of color with the campus community and enhanced the level of academic support received by all student-athletes. More…
President Young Meets with Breakfast GroupPresident Young engaged with members of the local organization of African-American professional men that focuses on helping youth achieve their educational goals. More…
Bailadores de Bronce Hosts 40th GalaThe Mexican folkloric dance group established at UW nearly 40 years ago will host a gala featuring live music and dance performances at Meany Hall, April 21. More…
Viewpoints – Spring 2012The Spring 2012 issue of Viewpoints highlights alumni who run minority-owned small businesses. Look for it when OMA&D’s alumni magazine, produced in partnership with UWAA, appears this spring. More…
Alumni Spotlight
Yusuf Joins Effort to Rebuild the ECCJust a year and a half after receiving his bachelor’s degree from UW, Jibriil Yusuf, ’10, is working to rebuild the Ethnic Cultural Center as a project engineer with Andersen Construction. More…
OMA&D Hosts CEO Roundtable with Kim HunterMinority business and communications students engaged in a special CEO Roundtable with former EOP student Kim Hunter, ’82, at PACCAR Hall, Jan 30. More…
Fleming Inducted into Rose Bowl Hall of FameUW football legend and former Washington state senator George Fleming, ’64, helped the Huskies to back-to-back Rose Bowl victories in 1960 and 1961. More…
Herrera Joins OMA&D as ECC DirectorFormerly an assistant director of Undergraduate Admissions at Stanford University, Herrera started her new post at UW, Dec. 15. More…
Staff Endowments Benefit UW StudentsWhile their reasons may be different, OMA&D staff members Jan Kendle, Emile Pitre, and Ann Vu Loveridge have a common mission. They have established or are contributing to endowed student scholarships. More…
News & NotesRead about the recent accomplishments of UW faculty and staff of color, or those associated with diversity-related programs. More…
Student Spotlight
Students Honored at National Research ConferenceKlondy Canales, Annika Juhlin, Josh Matlock, and Nichole Tyler won awards at the 11th Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students in St. Louis, Mo. More…
Find out about upcoming OMA&D affiliated events including the Samuel E. Kelly Distinguished Faculty Lecture, EOP Celebration and the Alumni Soirée. More…
Fencing Tells a Story at ECC Building SiteThe fencing that surrounds the ECC building site offers an opportunity to showcase artwork that celebrates the history and traditions of the facility. More…