For the last two years, the UW Students for Diversity Coalition (UWSDC) has been working to implement a University-wide diversity requirement for undergraduates.
Under the proposal, the requirement can be met either by taking one five-credit course that focuses on one or more socially constructed identities such as race, religion, class, gender, sexuality, ability, age and ethnicity or the equivalent in an alternative learning experience such as a study abroad program or service learning opportunity.
UWSDC conducted extensive research into the benefits of diversity requirements and found that most colleges in the state have a requirement. Last fall, the resolution was approved by ASUW. The next step will be a vote by the Faculty Senate. The group hopes the requirement will be implemented during the 2014 academic year.
The students involved with UWSDC represent several organizations including the Black Student Union, First Nations, Filipino American Student Association and MEChA. Jonathan Winn, ASUW Director of Diversity Efforts, is coordinating the effort.

Photo by Erin Rowley