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About Washington MESA

The Washington MESA model

All of our programs aim to increase representation of women and people who are Black, Indigenous, Latino/Hispanic or Native Hawaiian/Pacific islanders in STEM fields.

Four young people pose with their MESA blue ribbons


Our programs support students from middle school through college, and as they prepare for careers in STEM. We provide students with tutoring, specialized courses, mentorship and supportive networks. In addition, we offer training to teachers and parents so that everyone in a student’s orbit is better equipped to guide them through their educational journey.

Washington is one of the 11 states in the network of Mathematics, Engineering, Science, Achievement (MESA). MESA is nationally recognized for its innovative and effective academic development program.



Students Served


MESA Teachers


Participating Schools


School Districts



We empower underrepresented students by providing them a community that supports their pathways to higher education in STEM, through mentorships, academic programs and interactive workshops.


Diverse student populations in Washington State have the educational support and tools to create innovative solutions as they become the next leaders in STEM.

Unique value proposition

Washington MESA advances social and economic equity by affirming and cultivating contributions of historically under-represented students in STEM education, industry and innovation leadership.

Our partners

  • Boeing
  • Weyerhaeuser
  • Microsoft
  • PNNL
  • College Prep Universities
  • All colleges that host MESA programs


What’s new?

In our quest to advance STEM educational opportunities for historically underrepresented students of color and women, Washington MESA has redesigned our program to align with contemporary challenges and needs. We’re bringing greater focus on students by offering more guided pathways to success and more options to get there.

A newly developed logic model identifies objectives and activities for every phase of the student’s educational journey, from sixth grade to a college degree. We’ll monitor the progress of MESA students and teachers, assess the program’s performance, demonstrate its impact, and hold ourselves accountable to our many supporters.

Our mission to give a voice and opportunities to diverse student populations hasn’t changed. What has changed is how we achieve that mission.

See our FAQ

Washington MESA Downloadable Documents

WA MESA Logic Model & UVP

WA MESA Theory of Action