Planning & Budgeting

External Reporting


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IPEDS Reports

The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) is a set of surveys conducted annually by the U.S. Education Department’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). IPEDS gathers information about enrollments, program completions, graduation rates, faculty and staff, finances, institutional prices and student financial aid from every college, university, and technical and vocational institution that participates in the federal student financial aid programs.

Month Due
Institutional Characteristics October
Completions October
12 Month Enrollment October
Student Financial Aid* February
Graduation Rates February
200% Graduation Rates February
Outcome Measures February
Admissions February
Fall Enrollment April
Finance* April
Human Resources April
Academic Libraries* April

* The Student Financial Aid, Finance, and Academic Libraries surveys are completed by partners within the University. For questions regarding Student Financial Aid, please contact the Office of Student Financial Aid. For questions regarding Finance, please contact Finance & Facilities. For questions regarding Academic Libraries, please contact Jackie Belanger, UW Libraries (



The Public Centralized Higher Education Enrollment System (PCHEES) is a 7-component data survey compiled by the Washington State Office of Financial Management that collects student-level information about demographics, admission, enrollment, course-taking activity, and degree completion from all public 4-year institutions in the state.

Month Due
Summer Day 10 October
Fall Day 10 October
Winter Day 10 January
Spring Day 10 April
Summer Final October
Fall Final January
Winter Final April
Spring Final July

Accrediting Organizations


The Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities collects information about enrollment, faculty and staff as part of its annual report requirements.

NWCCU Report August 1

Collaborative Groups


The American Association of University Professors collects data about faculty compensation anually, and publishes The Annual Report on the Economic Status of the Profession.

Month Due
Faculty Salary by Rank February


The primary purpose of the Association of American Universities Data Exchange is the annual exchange of data/information of common interest agreed upon by member institutions (research universities).


The Common Data Set is the product of a collaborative effort among institutions of higher education to provide information most commonly needed by the Department of Education and various ranking agencies regarding student enrollment and persistence, admissions, academic offerings, student life, expenses and financial aid, faculty and class size, and degrees conferred.

CDS reporting is shared between IADS and other offices within the University.

Common Data Set


The Consortium for Student Retention Data Exchange at the University of Oklahoma is a consortium of two-year and four-year institutions that are dedicated to achieving higher levels of student success. It collects information regarding the retention of first-time, full-time baccalaureate degree-seeking freshmen cohorts.


The Interinstitutional Committee of Registrars and Admissions Officers gathers information about year-over-year changes in overall admissions and enrollments, by academic origin, race/ethnicity, gender, and residency.

Tri-Campus ICORA

Ranking Surveys

US News & World Report

US News & World Report collects a great deal of information concerning all aspects of a student’s experience at the University, including academics, student life, athletics, amenities, etc. There is also a separate financial survey, based on the IPEDS financial survey.

Month Due
US News Finance Survey May
US News Main Survey May
US News Financial Aid Survey* May

Times Higher Education

The Times Higher Education World University Rankings incorporate institutional data as well as publications and a global reputation survey. The institutional data collection portion of the World University Rankings was previously collected by Thomson Reuters as part of the Global Institutional Profiles Project. Beginning with the 2014-15 data collection, Times Higher Education collected data directly. However, survey questions remained the same, gathering factual information about a university’s activities, from faculty and enrollment statistics to research income.

Month Due
THE World University Rankings March

Clarivate (formerly Thomson Reuters)

The institutional data collection portion of the Global Institutional Profiles Project gathers factual information about a university’s activities, from faculty and enrolment statistics to research income. This information was previously used in the Times Higher Education’s World University Rankings.

Month Due
Clarivate June


The Global Research University Profiles (GRUP) online survey conducted by the Center for World-Class Universities (CWCU) of Shanghai Jiao Tong University aims to develop a database on the facts and figures of around 1200 research universities in the world. The survey results are combined with other performance indicators developed by the CWCU researchers to produce customized comparisons of research universities at a global level.

Month Due
GRUP Survey October

College Navigators


Fiske collects various information about the enrollment, academic profile and student life at colleges across the country and helps prospective students navigate through the information.

Month Due
Institutional Questionnaire May


The ACT National Curriculum Survey is a nationwide survey of educational practices and expectations conducted every three to five years by ACT. The survey collects data about what entering college students should know and be able to do to be ready for college-level coursework in English, math, reading, and science.

College Board

The College Board’s Annual Survey of Colleges is a Web-based survey of nearly 4,000 accredited undergraduate colleges and universities in the U.S. The survey collects information of use to high school students, parents, and school counselors about the characteristics of each college including programs, costs, application requirements, and deadlines.

Month Due
College Board Survey February