Planning & Budgeting

Higher Ed News

February 25, 2011

Higher Ed News Roundup

The below are some of the non-Washington State higher education budget and policy stories that made the news this week: Arizona: Senate Bill 1115 was passed out of Appropriations Committee after midnight on Tuesday. The hastily considered bill surprised many and would effect dramatic change in Arizona higher education should it make its way to…

February 18, 2011

University of Wisconsin Poised to Receive Greater Autonomy?

Current protests in Wisconsin have dominated press coverage of Governor Scott Walker’s proposed 2011-13 state budget this week. Lost in the shuffle may have been news that the proposal contained a provision that would lead to greater autonomy for Wisconsin’s largest public institution of higher education, the University of Wisconsin at Madison. UW Madison Chancellor…

February 14, 2011

Federal Budget Proposals Affect Higher Education

The UW Office of Federal Relations has posted detailed summaries of how recent federal budget proposals may affect higher education. As the House Republicans propose major spending cuts for FY 2011 that target Pell grants and funding for federal agencies that support academic research, President Obama has released a FY 2012 proposal that largely protects…

February 3, 2011

Americans Struggling Economically, Worried about Affordable Higher Ed

That Americans are concerned about the rising price of higher education is not news. However, Public Agenda’s newly released survey results, Slip-Sliding Away: An Anxious Public Talks About Today’s Economy and the American Dream, shed some new light on how the continuing economic crisis may have heightened those concerns. The telephone survey was administered to…

January 21, 2011

Are the States Alright?

You may have read a widely circulated New York Times article today concerning the possibility of the federal government creating a pathway for states to seek protection in federal bankruptcy court if their debt burdens spiral out of control. Some policymakers think that the severe economic strain created by the Great Recession has revealed deep…

January 14, 2011

Economist Emphasizes Continuing Value of College

Inside Higher Ed has published a long but excellent piece called College Is Still Worth It by Anthony P. Carnevale, Director of the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce. If you have the time, check out the Center’s full report from last summer, which projects America’s workforce and educational needs for the coming…

January 13, 2011

Supreme Court Decision on Medical Residents Upholds Status Quo

As reported by Inside Higher Ed and many others, the Supreme Court decided this week that medical residents do not qualify for student payroll tax exemptions and must pay into social security and medicare as other employees do. This ruling upholds U.S. Department of Treasury regulations issued in 2004, which the UW has been in…

January 10, 2011

Another Budget Blow to Public Higher Ed in CA

Today, newly elected California Governor Jerry Brown released his first proposed state budget. The 2011-12 budget proposes over $12.5 billion in spending cuts and over $12 billion in new revenue generation to close an existing deficit of over $25 billion. Cuts include 10 percent pay reductions for state workers, cuts to Medi-Cal and Welfare, and,…

January 5, 2011

UW Again Ranked Among Best Values in Public Colleges

Kiplinger has released their 2010-11 list of the top 100 values in public higher education. Coming in at 10th, the UW again ranks very highly. Having also ranked 10th in 2008-09, the UW moved up to 7th in 2009-10, but fell this year after another 14 percent increase in undergraduate resident tuition.

WA Higher Education Task Force Report Released

Last summer, Governor Gregoire created a Higher Education Task force, comprising both public and private leaders, and charged them with proposing a new funding strategy for public higher education, as well as new ideas for increasing institutional accountability. The Task Force released its report yesterday, January 3rd, recommending three major reforms to higher education policy…

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