Planning & Budgeting

OPB News and Announcements

October 27, 2016

OPBlog: Introduction

Hello! My name is Matthew Schoenfeld and I am the 2016-2017 Legislative Analysis Intern with the Office of Planning & Budgeting. I am currently studying for a Master in Public Administration at the Evans School of Public Policy & Governance. I also conducted my undergraduate studies here at UW, earning my BA in Political Science…

September 15, 2016

UW’s 2017-19 State Operating Budget Request

On September 15, 2016, OPB submitted the UW’s 2017-19 state operating budget request to the Governor’s Office of Financial Management. The UW is mindful of the continuing budget challenges facing the state of Washington and, thus, has limited its budget requests to the 11 most essential and strategic state investments for the 2017-19 biennium. These, along with a variety of…

June 10, 2016

2016-17 Cost of Attendance for First-Year UW Undergrads

The estimated annual cost of attendance for first-year UW undergraduates is now available for the 2016-17 academic year.  Cost of attendance shows estimated expenses by campus for: Tuition Student fees Room & board Books, personal, & transportation Cost of attendance (COA) is defined by the Higher Education Act.  It is a statutory term that typically refers to the…

May 19, 2016

OPB Briefs: Higher Education Trends

OPB has posted a report on higher education trends from the past year  to the Briefs tab of our website. Based on The Chronicle of Higher Education’s Trends Report, the brief summarizes the ten trends outlined by The Chronicle and highlights relevant examples from Washington state. The brief also outlines a selection of additional higher…

May 2, 2016

OPB Briefs: 2016 Bill Summary and 2016 Fiscal Note Summary Now Available

OPB has posted two summaries concerning the 2016 legislative session to the Briefs tab of our website: The 2016 Bill Summary lists the bills OPB tracked during session that were passed by the legislature. Links to veto messages are provided for bills that were vetoed or partially vetoed by the Governor. Of the nearly 600 bills…

April 8, 2016

Updated OPB Brief on Published Price vs. Net Price

The rising costs of college are a popular subject for everyone from presidential candidates to media outlets. Parents and students blanche as published tuition prices climb ever higher. But the published price – often referred to as the “sticker price” for colleges – offers a misleading picture of the cost of higher education. OPB has updated…

March 22, 2016

New OPB Brief on Income Share Agreements (ISAs)

Over the past few months, income share agreements (ISAs) have received significant attention from political candidates, higher education advocates, and news sources. A new OPB brief takes a closer look at ISAs by: Exploring differences between and the history of privately funded ISAs and publicly funded ISAs (such as Pay It Forward). Comparing ISAs to federal…

November 10, 2015

New to the OPBlog

Greetings, my name is Jed Bradley and I recently joined the Office of Planning & Budgeting as a higher education policy analyst. I earned a BA in political science from the University of Washington and am currently pursuing a Master’s degree in higher education from the UW College of Education. I will be contributing to…

November 3, 2015


My name is Andrew Orlebeke and I am the Legislative Analysis Intern for the Office of Planning and Budgeting and a Master in Public Administration student at the Evans School of Public Policy and Governance. I’ll be updating this blog periodically with posts on all things higher education, from federal and state legislative issues to…

September 18, 2015

UW is Most Innovative Public University in the World and “Best Bang for the Buck” Among Western Schools

Reuters recently ranked the UW as the fourth most innovative university in the world among public and private institutions, surpassed only by Stanford, MIT and Harvard.  When looking at public institutions alone, however, the UW topped the list. As the Seattle Times noted, “The ranking takes into account academic papers, which indicate basic research performed…

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