UW Budget
November 16, 2017
New OPB Brief on Activity Based Budgeting (ABB) Trends
OPB has released a new brief that provides an overview of Activity Based Budgeting (ABB) distribution principles and trends at the UW in Seattle. This brief updates last year’s overview, adding the most recent year’s data. It compares the ABB budgets of Seattle academic units to those of Seattle administrative units over the last seven…
July 5, 2017
2017 Legislative Session: OPB Brief on 2017-19 Compromise Operating and Capital Budgets
Leadership in the House and Senate released a 2017-19 compromise state operating budget on June 30, 2017 in the form of Substitute Senate Bill 5883. The Governor signed the budget less than an hour before midnight, narrowly avoiding a partial state government shutdown. Lawmakers also passed a partial capital budget that reappropriates unspent capital funding from the…
March 29, 2017
2017 Legislative Session– OPB Brief on House Appropriations Operating Budget Proposal
On Monday, leadership in the House Appropriations Committee released their initial operating budget proposal. This proposal follows last week’s release of the Senate operating proposal and December’s release of the Governor’s operating and capital proposals. See the new OPB brief here for information regarding the House proposal, as well as a full comparison between current…
March 22, 2017
2017 Legislative Session– OPB Brief on Senate Ways & Means Chair Operating Budget Proposal
On Tuesday, leadership in the Senate Ways & Means Committee released their initial 2017-19 operating budget proposal. This proposal is the first from a legislative body following the release of Governor Inslee’s operating and capital budget proposals from December. OPB’s brief provides a full comparison. Unlike the Governor’s budget proposal, the Senate does not propose…
September 22, 2016
September Revenue Forecast Anticipates Continued Moderate Growth
Yesterday, the Economic and Revenue Forecast Council (ERFC) released its September revenue forecast, which increased projected General Fund-State (GF-S) collections by $334 million for the current 2015-17 biennium and by $125 million for the upcoming 2017-19 biennium. As a reminder, there will be one more revenue forecast in November before Governor Inslee releases his proposed 2017-19 biennial budget…
August 4, 2016
New OPB Brief on Activity Based Budgeting (ABB) Trends
A new brief from the Office of Planning & Budgeting provides an overview of Activity Based Budgeting (ABB) distribution principles and trends at the UW in Seattle. This brief updates last year’s overview of ABB trends, adding the most recent year’s data. It compares the ABB budgets of Seattle academic units to those of Seattle…
June 21, 2016
June Revenue Forecast Increases Projections for the 2015-17 and 2017-19 Biennia
Last week, the Economic and Revenue Forecast Council (ERFC) released its June revenue forecast, which increased projected General Fund-State (GF-S) collections by $294 million for the current 2015-17 biennium and by $126 million for the upcoming 2017-19 biennium. This is an improvement over the February forecast, which had predicted slower revenue growth in both biennia (see our blog…
April 18, 2016
Updated OPB Brief: Governor Action on 2016 Compromise Supplemental Operating and Capital Budgets
On April 18, Governor Inslee signed the final compromise operating budget after vetoing several sections. One of the Governor’s vetoes reversed a plan to convert activities conducted by the Office of Financial Management (OFM) into a “central service.” As a result of the veto, the UW will no longer be billed approximately $2.03 million from…
March 30, 2016
OPB Brief: Final 2016 Supplemental Operating and Capital Budgets
The 2016 Legislature concluded its business having passed supplemental operating and capital budgets before the scheduled close of the 30-day special session. Please see the OPB brief for a detailed overview of the final compromise budgets. While the compromise operating budget includes $3.513 million in additional biennial funding to “true up” the tuition backfill associated…
March 14, 2016
Special Session and Senate Second Supplemental Budget Offer
The House and Senate did not come to an agreement on a 2016 supplemental budget by the end of the 60-day regular session, which was slated to end March 10. Several news outlets reported the tense ending, which featured Governor Inslee vetoing 27 bills (see an example here). The Governor convened a 30-day special session,…
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