Office of Planning & Budgeting

October 6, 2011

University of Washington 25th in World University Rankings

The Times Higher Education/Thomson Reuters World University Rankings for 2011-12 were released today and the University of Washington ranked 25th, one of only five public US institutions to make the top 25 (UC Berkeley was the highest ranking US public at 10). US News and World Report recently ranked the UW 42nd among all national…

September 29, 2011

NCES Projects Growth for Higher Ed, but Short of National Goals

The National Center for Education Statistics recently released a report entitled Projections of Education Statistics to 2019. The Center seeks to predict future trends in enrollment, completion, and diversity in elementary, secondary, and post-secondary institutions. The Center uses census data and economic forecasts to make its projections; however, such predictions are complicated to produce and…

September 22, 2011

Governor to Call November Special Session

Governor Gregoire announced that she will call the Legislature back to Olympia for a 30-day special session at the end of November after the next revenue forecast is released. Gregoire will outline her expectations for the special session during a press conference this morning, which will be aired on TVW. A November 2011 special session is…

September 16, 2011

$1.4b Deficit Opens up for 2011-13 in WA

On Thursday, September 16, the Washington State Economic and Revenue Forecast Council (ERFC) released its quarterly update of State General Fund Revenues. The forecast reduced expected revenue for the upcoming 2011-13 biennium to $30.3 billion, $1.4 billion less than the previous forecast released in June. A deficit of this magnitude is expected to necessitate another…

September 15, 2011

New Report Shows Strategic Budget Cuts in Higher Ed

The Delta Cost Project has published its latest Trends in College Spending report. This year’s version reports on revenue and spending trends in higher education from 1999 to 2009, the latest year of IPEDS data available at this time. As such, this version includes the first year of the recession’s impact on higher education finances….

September 13, 2011

UW Ranked 42nd in the Nation

The controversial US News and World Report University Rankings have been released for 2012 and are freely available online for a limited period of time. The University of Washington slipped one spot to 42nd among National Universities in the US. The UW, however, comes in at the 10th best public institution in the nation. Although…

September 7, 2011

Higher Ed Budget Cuts in WA Among Highest in the US

The American Association of State Colleges and Universities’ (AASCU) July 2011 State Outlook confirms that most states cut higher education spending for fiscal year 2012. For some states, this is the third or even fourth consecutive year of higher education spending cuts. Also unsurprising, AASCU identifies the 23 percent funding cut for higher education in…

Scrutiny and Economy Taking Toll on For-Profit Higher Ed

The past few weeks have brought a lot of bad news for the for-profit education sector. Federal and state scrutiny of practices, costs, and outcomes, combined with tightened regulations, high profile lawsuits, and student reaction to high prices in a bad economy, have taken their toll on the sector: A state investigation has been opened…

September 1, 2011

In Higher Education Press Coverage, the Anecdote is King

Having just read a frustrating New York Times article, Generation Limbo: Waiting it Out, I was all set to write a blog post about the longstanding failure of higher education press coverage that almost exclusively focuses on unrepresentative and sensational ‘trends’ such as the ‘oversupply’ of college graduates, the ‘epidemic’ of students with six figures…

Stanford in New York City?

Inside Higher Ed published a feature today detailing an ongoing process that has 27 universities, US and abroad, competing for a gift of land in New York City plus $100 million in exchange for the creation of a new tech-centered campus. Several New York based universities are submitting proposals, due in October, but notable universities…

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