Office of Planning & Budgeting

March 9, 2011

More on the Public/Private University Resource Gap

Two higher education news stories leapt out at us this morning as emblematic: Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett announced 50 percent state funding cuts for four-year public institutions. The largest institution, Penn State, would see its state subsidy reduced from $465 million per year to $233 million. The University describes the proposed cuts as devastating:  “A…

March 7, 2011

Public/Private Faculty Salary Gap Widens

New CUPA-HR faculty salary survey results released today show that faculty at public institutions of higher education, on average, received no salary increase for the second year in a row, while salaries for faculty at private institutions increased, on average, by about 2 percent (compared to also being stagnant last year). This trend is particularly…

March 4, 2011

State Budget Pressures Continue to Mount

Here are a few interesting and updated resources on the current budget pressures being faced by states across the US: This CNN chart shows, by state, projected deficits for FY 2012, ruling political parties, number of public employees, and whether most public employees have bargaining rights. This NASBO document is continuously updated and contains compiled…

March 3, 2011

GAO Details How For-Profit Colleges Exploit Veterans

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report and recommendations, DOD Education Benefits: Increased Oversight of Tuition Assistance Program is Needed, ahead of another Senate hearing focused on the conduct of for-profit colleges, this time held by Senator Tom Carper. The GAO report focused on the DOD Military Tuition Assistance Program, which provides tuition benefits…

March 2, 2011

Supreme Court Hears Arguments in Research Patent Case

On Monday, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments for Stanford University v. Roche Molecular Systems et al.. At issue is whether the Supreme Court will agree with the argument made by research institutions to expand the current interpretation of what is known as the Bayh-Dole Act (1980’s University and Small Business Patent Procedures Act), which…

February 25, 2011

Harvard Report Challenges Goal of ‘BA for All’

Earlier this month the Pathways to Prosperity Project, based at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, released a final report: Pathways to Prosperity: Meeting the Challenge of Preparing Young Americans for the 21st Century. The report lauds the current goal to increase college participation and attainment in the US, but cautions against a ‘one size…

Higher Ed News Roundup

The below are some of the non-Washington State higher education budget and policy stories that made the news this week: Arizona: Senate Bill 1115 was passed out of Appropriations Committee after midnight on Tuesday. The hastily considered bill surprised many and would effect dramatic change in Arizona higher education should it make its way to…

February 24, 2011

UW Asked to Model Steep Budget Cuts for 2011-13

Last week, Senate and House Fiscal and Higher Education Committee leadership asked all public baccalaureate institutions and the community and technical colleges to identify specific budget reductions at three levels for 2011-13. For the UW, those cut intervals were:  The Governor’s proposed $189.8 million cut, a $218 million cut (Governor’s cut + 15%), and a $246…

February 18, 2011

University of Wisconsin Poised to Receive Greater Autonomy?

Current protests in Wisconsin have dominated press coverage of Governor Scott Walker’s proposed 2011-13 state budget this week. Lost in the shuffle may have been news that the proposal contained a provision that would lead to greater autonomy for Wisconsin’s largest public institution of higher education, the University of Wisconsin at Madison. UW Madison Chancellor…

February 17, 2011

Closing in on a Final Compromise for the FY 2011 WA State Budget

Leadership in both fiscal committees of the House of Representatives and Senate signed a compromise budget to closing the remaining FY 2011 budget deficit. Both new cuts and fund transfers are included in the compromise. While the budget is not final and both chambers must take a floor vote, the conference budget is in near final…

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