Office of Planning & Budgeting

November 30, 2010

California Projects Annual Deficits of $20b Through 2016

A new report from California’s non-partisan Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO), California’s Fiscal Outlook, details current California state budget projections through at least 2016. The LAO projects that CA will have to solve at least a $25.4 billion deficit for 2011-12, and will continue to face budget gaps of at least $20 billion per year through…

Seattle Times Highlights Importance of Pension Funding Policy

The Seattle Times published an article yesterday that outlined the State Treasurer’s desire to pursue a state constitutional amendment that would require the Legislature, starting in 2015, to invest more money into pension plans up front to help the state avoid ever entering ‘pay-go’ status where pension obligations must be covered from the state general…

November 24, 2010

Elevating the College Cost Debate

As we reported last month, two economists at the College of William and Mary have published a new book called Why Does College Cost So Much?. We are almost finished reading this very well written and researched book and will provide our own assessment soon. In the meantime, the book continues to generate passionate discussion–see…

November 20, 2010

Additional Near- and Long-Term Cuts Expected as State’s Revenue Forecast Worsens

After the November 18, 2010 release of the state’s November revenue forecast, Vice Provost of Planning and Budgeting Paul Jenny released the following information to UW leadership: As most of you are aware, the November revenue forecast for the state was released yesterday, and it was not good news.  The forecast projects a shortfall of…

November 17, 2010

Latest NCES Report Provides Data on Higher Ed Employees

The National Center For Education Statistics (NCES) is a part of the US Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences. Every US University governed by Title IV of the Higher Education Act (federal student aid programs) is required to submit annual data to NCES via nine surveys that cover topics such as pricing, admissions, enrollment,…

November 10, 2010

Should Federal Government Support a Regional Approach to Public Higher Ed?

The Center for American Progress released a new report, Easy Come, EZ-GO: A Federal Role in Removing Jurisdictional Impediments to College Education, that presents a bold argument for the creation of Education Zone Governance Organizations (EZ-GO), which would provide federal resources to help ease barriers to higher education for citizens of metropolitan areas that cross…

November 8, 2010

Election Results Exacerbate State Budget Woes

Washington’s General Fund-State account continues to decline in tandem with stagnant job growth and faltering tax collections. Last Tuesday, Washington voters reversed the 2010 Legislature’s tax measure on certain foods and beverages; the tax will sunset on December 1, 2010. Notably, the American Beverage Association contributed $16.7 million in total to the campaign repealing these…

New OPB Brief: WA State Public Pensions

Be sure to check out our latest OPB Brief, Looking Ahead: Washington State Public Pension Costs.  This brief is the first in a series intended to provide summary information about major categories of state spending that could impact budgetary outcomes for higher education in future biennia.

November 4, 2010

Emphasis on STEM Degree Production

Hi, my name is Anja Speckhardt, and I am a student assistant here at the Office of Planning and Budgeting, as well as a freshman at the UW. As a part of my job at OPB, I have been given the privilege to occasionally post to the blog about interesting topics I’m researching. Today, I…

November 3, 2010

US Higher Ed More Accessible Than Affordable?

Higher Education Strategy Associates, a Toronto based research firm, released a report last week that measures 17 nations on the affordability and accessibility of their higher education systems. The report, Global Higher Education Rankings 2010: Affordability and Accessibility in Comparative Perspective, finds that while the United States ranks on the low end of affordability, it…

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