Office of Planning & Budgeting

December 18, 2018

Governor Inslee’s Proposed 2019-21 Biennial Operating and Capital Budgets

On Thursday, Governor Jay Inslee released his proposed 2019-21 biennial operating and capital budgets. For a detailed analysis and summary of the Governor’s proposals, please see OPB’s brief on this page. The Governor’s operating budget assumes significant new revenue from the creation of a capital gains tax, increasing the business and occupation tax rate for…

November 28, 2018

November Revenue Forecast Predicts Slower, But Increasing Growth

The Economic and Revenue Forecast Council (ERFC) released their November revenue forecast. The projected Near General Fund-State (GF-S) revenue forecast for the 2017-19 biennium increased by $163.4 million. Projected revenue collections for the 2019-21 biennium increased by $195.5 million. The report projects higher personal income than the September revenue forecast, but slower growth. Here is a quick…

November 14, 2018

September Revenue Forecast Shows Increased Revenue

The Economic and Revenue Forecast Council (ERFC) released their September revenue forecast. The projected Near General Fund-State (GF-S) revenue forecast for the 2017-19 biennium increased by $348 million. Projected revenue collections for the 2019-21 biennium increased by $443 million. The forecast expects higher personal income and employment than the June revenue forecast. Here is a quick summary…

November 13, 2018

OPBlog: Introduction

Hello! My name is Barbara Reichart and I am the 2018-19 Legislative and Policy Analysis Intern for the Office of Planning & Budgeting (OPB). I am currently a graduate student at the Evans School of Public Policy & Governance seeking a Masters in Public Administration. Prior to joining the University of Washington community, I worked…

July 19, 2018

July Economic & Revenue Update Indicates Continued Growth in Washington

Last month the Washington state Economic and Revenue Forecast Council (ERFC) released their June revenue forecast. Cumulative major General Fund-State (GF-S) revenue collections were $189 million higher than the February revenue forecast. Here is a quick summary of the total projected GF-S revenue for each biennium: $45.288 billion, for the 2017-19 biennium, 16.0% more than…

June 8, 2018

UW’s Adopted FY19 Operating Budget and Tuition Rates

On June 7, the Board of Regents adopted the UW’s Fiscal Year 2019 (FY19) Operating Budget. The budget includes final 2018-19 tuition rates and expected revenue and proposed expenditures by budget area. Annual and quarterly tuition and fee schedules have been posted. Supplementary documents can be found on OPB’s Annual Budgets page. In conjunction with the…

May 15, 2018

Public Profiles – New Interactive Dashboards Now Available!

In May 2018, in collaboration with UW-IT’s Enterprise Information, Integration and Analytics (EIIA) unit, the Office of Planning and Budgeting (OPB) relaunched Public Profiles, which are now five interactive dashboards including: FTE Enrollment Trends Headcount Enrollment Trends Degrees Production Trends Undergraduate Graduation Rates Undergraduate Retention and Persistence All dashboards, except Degrees Production Trends (which is refreshed…

April 5, 2018

OPB Briefs: 2018 Bill and Fiscal Note Summaries Now Available

Date: April 5, 2018 OPB has posted two summaries, recapping the 2018 state legislative session, under the “Briefs” tab of the OPB website: The 2018 Session Bill Summary lists the bills OPB tracked that were passed by the legislature. Links to veto messages are provided for bills that were partially vetoed by the Governor. Of…

March 9, 2018

OPB Brief on Compromise 2018 Supplemental Budgets

Leadership in the state House and Senate released their compromise 2018 supplemental budget proposals earlier this week—the capital proposal came out on Tuesday evening and the operating proposal on Wednesday evening.  With the release of these budgets, and with their subsequent passage by the legislature, lawmakers ended the legislative session on time, for the first time…

February 23, 2018

OPB Brief on Senate and House Leadership 2018 Supplemental Budget Proposals

On Monday, leadership in the Senate released their 2018 supplemental operating and capital budget proposals. On Tuesday and Wednesday, leadership in the House followed with the release of their 2018 supplemental operating and capital budget proposals. The supplemental proposals include technical corrections and minor appropriation changes to the recently approved 2017-19 biennial capital budget, as…

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