Please see the UW and the State Budget Process for an overview of the University of Washington’s interaction with the state’s budget process, legislative timelines, key terms (including budget levels, fund types, etc.), and the allotment process.
The following information is provided below (in reverse-chronological order, for each biennium):
- Operating and capital requests sent to the Office of Financial Management (OFM) after review by campus stakeholders and decision-making bodies.
Beginning with the 2015-17 biennium, we also provide:
- Instructions and materials that were sent to units and used to gather proposals for state funding in advance of each biennial budget session.
- Summary of proposals received from units.
As usual, state budget proposal details, including details for final legislative budgets in each biennium and supplemental year, are provided via briefs.
Information about the UW’s annual budget discussions, budget processes, and spending rules and best practices are available under the UW Budget tab. Additional guidance regarding state funding, including provisos and special state-appropriated funds, can be found on the State Funding Policies and Guidelines page.
- 2025-27 Biennial Operating Budget Request: To see the entire budget request, including mandatory reports, see OFM’s Agency Budget Request website, enter “2025-27 Regular” in the “Select Budget Session” dropdown and “360 – University of Washington” in the “Select Agency” dropdown.
- 2025-27 Biennial Capital Budget Request
- Internal State Funding RFP Process – Instructions and Materials
- 2024 Supplemental Operating Budget Request: To see the entire budget request, including mandatory reports, see OFM’s Agency Budget Request website, enter “2024 Supp” in the “Select Budget Session” dropdown and “360 – University of Washington” in the “Select Agency” dropdown.
- 2024 Supplemental Capital Budget Request
- 2023-25 Biennial Operating Budget Request: To see the entire budget request, including mandatory reports, see OFM’s Agency Budget Request website, enter “2023-25 Regular” in the “Select Budget Session” dropdown and “360 – University of Washington” in the “Select Agency” dropdown.
- 2023-25 Biennial Capital Budget Request
- Internal State Funding RFP Process – Instructions and Materials
- 2022 Supplemental Operating Budget Request: To see the entire budget request, including mandatory reports, see OFM’s Agency Budget Request website, enter “2022 Supp” or “2023 Supp” (the University submitted requests in both) in the “Select Budget Session” dropdown and “360 – University of Washington” in the “Select Agency” dropdown.
- 2022 Supplemental Capital Budget Request
- 2021-23 Biennial Operating Budget Request: To see the entire budget request, including mandatory reports, see OFM’s Agency Budget Request website, enter “2021-23 Regular” in the “Select Budget Session” dropdown and “360 – University of Washington” in the “Select Agency” dropdown.
- 2021-23 Biennial Capital Budget Request
- 2020 Supplemental Operating Budget Request: To see the entire budget request, including mandatory reports, see OFM’s Agency Budget Request website, enter “2020 Supp” in the “Select Budget Session” dropdown and “360 – University of Washington” in the “Select Agency” dropdown.
- 2020 Supplemental Capital Budget Request
- Final Compromise: 2019-21 State Biennial Operating and Capital Budgets
- 2019-21 Capital Budget Request (updated 12.12.2018 to revise Building Account projections)
- Summary of 2019-21 Operating Budget Requests
- 2019 Legislative Kick-Off Presentations
- Instructions and materials
- Final 2018 Compromise Supplemental Operating and Capital Budget Brief
- 2018 Supplemental Operating Budget Request
- 2018 Supplemental Capital Budget Request Addendum
- 2018 Supplemental Capital Budget Request [See addendum above]
- Final Compromise Budgets – 2017-19 State Operating and Capital Budgets
- 2017-19 Operating Budget Request
- 2017-19 Capital Budget Request
- Summary of Proposals
- Instructions and materials
- OPB Final 2016 Supplemental Budget Brief
- 2016 Supplemental Operating Budget Request
- 2016 Supplemental Capital Budget Request
- OPB Final 2015-17 Biennial Budget Brief
- 2015-17 Operating Budget Request
- 2015-17 Capital Budget Request
- Summary of Proposals
- Instructions and materials
- 2015 Second Supplemental Operating Budget Request
- OPB Final 2014 Supplemental Budget Brief
- 2014 Supplemental Operating and Capital Budget Request
- OPB Final 2013-15 Biennial Budget Brief
- 2013-15 Operating Budget Request
- 2013-15 Collective Bargaining Decision Packages
- 2013-15 Capital Budget Request
- OPB 2012 Supplemental Budget Brief
- 2012 Supplemental Operating Budget Request
- 2012 Supplemental Capital Budget Request
- OPB 2011-13 Biennial Budget Brief
- 2011-13 Operating Budget Request
- 2011-13 Capital Budget Request
- OPB 2010 Supplemental Budget Brief
- 2010 Operating Budget Supplemental Request
- 2010 Capital Budget Supplemental Request
- OPB 2009-11 Biennial Operating Budget Brief
- OPB 2009-11 Biennial Capital Budget Brief
- 2009-11 Operating Budget Request
- 2009-11 Capital Budget Request
- 2009-11 Capital Budget Project Proposals