Planning & Budgeting


February 1, 2011

State of the States

We continue to closely follow the fate of Washington State’s budget, but are also keeping our eyes on what is happening in other states. Below are some resources that you might also find of interest: Education Week provides brief coverage of and links to the State of the State addresses as they are made in…

January 26, 2011

New OPB Brief on Institutional Autonomy

The economic outlook for state budgets remains bleak and additional steep cuts to public higher education inevitable, making it imperative to re-imagine how institutions can become more efficient and self-sufficient while remaining effective and accountable to the public. For many institutions greater autonomy from the practices and requirements of state government seems attractive, and this…

January 24, 2011

Somber State Budget Update Presented to UW Regents

Paul Jenny, Vice Provost of Planning & Budgeting, presented the Governor’s proposed budget for higher education and the UW to our Board of Regents last Thursday. Paul touched on the upcoming state revenue forecast, the Governor’s cuts to all institutions, and the impact of future state funding cuts on campus. The Regents expressed many concerns throughout…

January 21, 2011

Are the States Alright?

You may have read a widely circulated New York Times article today concerning the possibility of the federal government creating a pathway for states to seek protection in federal bankruptcy court if their debt burdens spiral out of control. Some policymakers think that the severe economic strain created by the Great Recession has revealed deep…

January 17, 2011

A New Normal?

In A New Funding Paradigm for Higher Education, the National Association of State Budget Officers (NASBO) puts the Great Recession into context and discusses the cyclical nature of state funding for higher education, which has historically followed a pattern of major cuts in poor economic periods followed by generous reinvestment in good times. Considering the…

January 14, 2011

Economist Emphasizes Continuing Value of College

Inside Higher Ed has published a long but excellent piece called College Is Still Worth It by Anthony P. Carnevale, Director of the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce. If you have the time, check out the Center’s full report from last summer, which projects America’s workforce and educational needs for the coming…

January 10, 2011

Another Budget Blow to Public Higher Ed in CA

Today, newly elected California Governor Jerry Brown released his first proposed state budget. The 2011-12 budget proposes over $12.5 billion in spending cuts and over $12 billion in new revenue generation to close an existing deficit of over $25 billion. Cuts include 10 percent pay reductions for state workers, cuts to Medi-Cal and Welfare, and,…

December 15, 2010

Op-Eds Call for Increased Flexibility for Public Higher Ed in WA

Three op-eds published recently by local newspapers outline the changing relationship between Washington State and its public higher education institutions. All three op-eds call for the state to increase institutional flexibility in the face of large budget cuts. Phyllis Wise, Interim President, UW: The new normal State public university students will bear bigger share of…

December 13, 2010

Legislature Passes Second Supplemental Budget in Seven Hours on Saturday

The Washington State Legislature quickly passed a second supplemental budget for Fiscal Year 2011 on Saturday, which closed $580 million of the FY11 $1.1 billion deficit. More cutting must be done; we anticipate that this action will occur in a final supplemental budget, which would be adopted in January 2011, likely as the first action of…

December 10, 2010

Americans Believe Higher Ed Drives Economy, Unwilling to Pay More Taxes

The results of a Stanford University/AP education poll conducted in September were released yesterday. The representative group of respondents confirmed earlier data on the same topic, mainly that Americans believe strongly that higher education is a vital economic engine and that more Americans should participate in it, but that they are not very willing to…

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