Planning & Budgeting


May 4, 2011

Turmoil in Texas Over Higher Ed Reforms

Recent higher education reform efforts in Texas, developed by the conservative think tank Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF) and championed by Governor Rick Perry, have many wondering how much damage might be done to one of the country’s largest and best public university systems. The ‘solutions‘ proposed by TPPF, and marketed heavily by  board member…

April 19, 2011

UC System Boosts Nonresident Enrollment

Last year, the UC Board of Regents increased the system-wide cap on nonresident undergraduate enrollment from 6 percent to 10 percent based on final recommendations from  the University of California Commission on the Future. Newly released 2011 UC freshman admissions statistics for all nine campuses show how aggressively UC has moved to increase nonresident enrollment…

Bleak Future for State Budgets Through 2060?

A new GAO (Government Accountability Office) report released last week provides an update to an ongoing assessment of State and Local Government fiscal health. The GAO has been publishing fiscal simulations for the state and local public sector (in aggregate) since 2007, and their modeling has consistently shown structural problems facing state budgets into the…

April 8, 2011

A Master Plan for Higher Ed in the Midwest?

Earlier this week, the Chicago Council on Global Affairs released a new report authored by current professor and former  University of Michigan President James Duderstadt. The report, A Master Plan for Higher Education in the Midwest: A Roadmap to the Future of the Nation’s Heartland, chronicles the overall failure of the Midwest to transform itself…

March 21, 2011

Administrator Pay Flat at Public Institutions

CUPA-HR salary survey data, analyzed by Inside Higher Education, shows that, similar to faculty members, median pay for senior and mid-level administrators at public institutions of higher education was flat in 2010. At private institutions, members of all three categories showed modest gains of between 1 and 2 percent, contributing to a growing gap between…

Report Confirms Deep Cuts to Higher Ed Across US

The SHEEO State Higher Education Finance report for FY 2010 was released last week. Unsurprisingly, it confirms that the same general pattern in Washington of deep state cuts to higher education funding coupled with steep tuition increases is being replicated in states across the US. Report Highlights: National Trends Nationally, on average, state support for…

March 18, 2011

New UW Website Centralizes Budget Information

You might notice links for a new website, UW Budget Watch, popping up on UW homepages (including OPB and right here on the blog). OPB worked with Web Communications staff to develop one website that would consolidate many sources of information relating to the state budget and how it has and is expected to continue…

March 17, 2011

March Revenue Forecast Reduces WA General Fund Budget by $698 million

State Economic Forecast Council Director Dr. Arun Raha released the March revenue forecast today. This forecast serves as the revenue basis for the Legislature’s general fund budget in the 2011-13 biennium (FY12 and FY13). 2009-11 Biennium (FY10 & FY11) While many economic indicators used in his analysis show tentative growth in 2011, revenue collections through…

Chronicle Corrects UW Data

Were you surprised to learn in the Chronicle of Higher Education this week that, in 2008, the UW received over $19,500 in state appropriations per student, the second highest rate in the country? Well, so were we! Office of Planning Budgeting staff worked with the Chronicle to clarify that they were not reporting state appropriations…

March 14, 2011

Education Roundtable with US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan

US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan joined Governor Chris Gregoire and legislative leadership today for an education roundtable. Duncan congratulated state lawmakers on discussing the issue of education reform, even through tough budget times. He further drew attention to the grave problems troubling education in the United States—a 25% national dropout rate, poor STEM education,…

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