Planning & Budgeting


May 5, 2015

Report Affirms State Divestment, Not Administrative Bloat, Largely Responsible Tuition Increases

A report released today by Demos, a New York public policy think tank, attempts to identify the reasons why tuition prices at public four-year institutions have increased over the last decade. The findings reinforce the understanding that declining state support, rather than “administrative bloat,” is the primary cause of tuition increases. Although administrative spending did increase…

April 9, 2015

2015-17 Senate Capital & Engrossed Senate Operating Budget

The Senate capital budget appropriates $102 million in new funding from the State Building Construction Account, which is significantly more than the House capital budget appropriation of $41 million. Here are some of the major funding items from the Senate capital budget: $32.5 million for computer science and engineering expansion. $16 million for UW Tacoma…

April 3, 2015

2015-17 House budget adopted after amendments

On Thursday, the House passed its operating budget proposal (Engrossed Substitute HB 1106) off the floor, with several amendments. The original tuition and compensation proposals from the House Chair budget remain unaltered, however there some key changes compared to the original bill: Funding for computer science and engineering is reduced by $3.75 million, bringing the…

March 30, 2015

2015-17 House Chair Operating and Capital Budgets

Leadership in the House Appropriations Committee released their 2015-17 operating budget proposal on Friday – Proposed Substitute House Bill 1106 . The proposal provides $3.48 billion of Near General Fund State for higher education which is a slight increase over the total higher education appropriations in the Governor’s budget. On the operating side, the UW would receive $595.6…

February 20, 2015

February 2015 State Revenue Forecast Update

General Fund-State (GF-S) revenue forecast has been increased by $107 million for the 2013-2015 biennium and by $129 million for 2015-2017. GF-S revenue for the 2013-2015 biennium is now $33.547 billion (9.4% higher than collections in the 2011-13 biennium) and The forecasted GF-S revenue for the 2015-2017 biennium is now $36.449 billion (8.7% higher than…

December 19, 2014

Governor Inslee’s 2015-17 Operating and Capital Budgets

The Governor released operating and capital budgets yesterday morning. Though the UW fared well in the capital budget, we believe the operating budget, as currently proposed, presents challenges. Please note that the Governor’s budgets will be taken up by the Legislature in January; we are many months away from a final legislative compromise. As usual,…

March 4, 2014

Updated House and Senate Supplemental Budget Brief

We have updated the OPB brief we posted on February 27th, to reflect additional information regarding the employee health insurance related agency reductions. Both the House and Senate budget would decrease agency contributions for employee health benefits. The House budget cuts state funding by $7.6 million and the Senate budget cuts state funding by $4.4 million. However, both…

February 27, 2014

House and Senate Release Supplemental Operating and Capital Budgets

Leadership in both the House and Senate fiscal committees released supplemental operating and capital budgets this week, proposing technical corrections and appropriation changes to the current 2013-15 biennial budgets (primarily applicable to FY15). Please see the full OPB brief for information on each proposal. As a reminder, both budgets will be amended in respective committees,…

June 10, 2013

Senate Releases Revised Budget Proposal

On Saturday, the Senate released a revised budget proposal, which closely resembles the budget they passed in April. For the UW, the two budgets differ in just a few ways: Unlike the original Senate budget, the revised budget does not include a $12.5M transfer away from the UW Hospital Account; The revised budget does not cut the…

June 6, 2013

House Chair Releases Revised Budget Proposal

House Ways & Means Chair Ross Hunter released a revised House budget proposal today. The proposal represents Democrats’ updated negotiating position as budget discussions intensify in the last few weeks of the current biennium. We expect the revised House chair budget to pass the floor later this week, after which leaders of both parties and…

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