Planning & Budgeting

Course Fees

Course fees are charged for some course sections in addition to tuition. Course fee requirements are outlined in UW Executive Order No. 44. In compliance with the policy, academic departments, with the approval of the respective Dean or Director, may add course fees to specific sections. New course fees in excess of $50 or course fee increases in excess of 10% of the prior approved fee amount must also be approved by the Office of Finance, Planning & Budgeting. Course fees are subject to the same billing and collection process as tuition. Any financial aid a student is receiving will apply to course fees.

Tuition-based Programs

Please see our 2024-25 Course Fee Report for a current listing of course fees.

Previous reports:

Please contact Jed Bradley with any questions, or to request the Office of Finance, Planning & Budgeting approval of course fees. Accessible Excel or Word versions of the above reports are available upon request.

Fee-based Programs (UW Continuum College)

Please see our 2024-25 Course Fee Report for a current listing of course fees in fee-based degree programs.

Previous Reports:

Prepared by the Continuum College. Contact Continuum College Registration with questions.