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Fee-Based Programs

Fee-Based Programs Overview

The University offers both state-supported and fee-based degree programs. Students who are enrolled in most fee-based programs will use a different process to register for classes and pay for their courses than students in state-supported programs. Most fee-based programs are offered through the UW’s Continuum College.

Information regarding fee-based programs, including available financial aid, can be found on the Office of Student Financial Aid website.

The Office of the University Registrar maintains a Fee-based programs FAQ.

Preliminary Fee-Based Program Rates FY26

2025-26 Fee-Based Program Rates – 3.14.2025

Fee-based program rates are established and changed through an annual process. In accordance with E.O. 44, the Provost approves fee-based program rates. FY26 rates will be reviewed and approved in March/April 2025.

Approved Fee-Based Program Rates FY25

2024-25 Fee-Based Program Rates – updated 5.7.2024

Past Fee-based Program Rates

Continuum College Rates

Below are previous rates for fee-based programs offered through the UW Continuum College.

2023-24 Continuum College Rates

2022-23 Continuum College Rates

2021-22 Continuum College Rates

2020-21 Continuum College Rates

2019-20 Continuum College Rates

2018-19 Continuum College Rates

2017-18 Continuum College Rates

Independent Fee-based Program Rates

Some units administer their own fee-based programs. Rates are maintained on program websites but a summary of previously approved rates is below:

2023-24 Independent Fee-based Program Rates

2022-23 Independent Fee-based Program Rates

2021-22 Independent Fee-based Program Rates

2020-21 Independent Fee-based Program Rates

2019-20 Independent Fee-based Program Rates