ABB tuition files
We have transitioned the revenue projections workbook to our internal tableau server. Please access the FY24 Spring Projections on the BI website. The dashboard contains final FY23 true-up estimates and FY24 revenue projections. For more exploration of tuition revenue activity trends, please visit our additional internal dashboards (available on the UW Network or VPN and Netid needed).
These files and files for prior years are available on the Office of Planning & Budgeting’s (OPB) annual budgets webpage.
ABB tuition data model and resources
In December 2016, OPB made a number of tables available that enable campus users to see and perform all calculations relevant to the distribution of net operating-fee revenue under ABB. See below for links to a variety of information that will enable you to understand and use the data.
Please note that a number of improvements — including, but not limited to, the ability to include students with exemptions as well as data-quality checks — have been made as the data have been moved to the AnalyticInteg database (AIDB). The budget allocations made through FY16 under ABB represent final allocation decisions; no changes to budgets for prior years will be made on the basis of the data now made available through AIDB. Historical data are included here only to facilitate trend analysis.
Data model details
- An introduction to ABB at UW (PowerPoint)
- Introduction: Operating fee revenue distribution calculations for ABB (PowerPoint)
- Table and column definitions (PDF)
- Entity relationship diagram (ERD) showing the relationships between the various tables in the ABB model
- June 2018 supplement changes – Student credit hour technical addendum (PDF)
Documentation and code for ABB tuition calculations:
- Documentation of how to connect to data and perform all necessary calculations.
- SQL code that performs ABB tuition calculations using the new distribution parameters
- SQL code that provides the basis for projecting tuition revenue pools by campus, tuition category and residency. This code is used in the Excel-based ABB tuition files to provide projections. The general approach to projections is outlined in the Introduction: Operating Fee Revenue Distribution Calculations for ABB PowerPoint above.
ABB questions?
Please contact us at