Planning & Budgeting

Miscellaneous fee allocations

All students are charged tuition and mandatory fees, however some students and applicants pay miscellaneous fees initiated by various schools and departments. Miscellaneous fees are charged for specific purposes and should be used to support the services charged.

These fees are collected centrally and reflected in the DOF budget of the relevant unit.

Miscellaneous fee budgets are listed below:

Budget Budget Name Proposed Owner
50-1510 Library Fines Library
50-1374 Graduate School Application Fee Grad School
50-1375 Law School Application Fee Law School
50-1378 Pharmacy School Application Fee Pharmacy
50-2428 Interstate Compact Dentistry/Pharmacy
50-2591 Dental School Application Fee Dentistry
50-1380 WAMI Fee SOM
50-2592 Medical School Application Fee SOM
51-1495 Late Payment Fee Finance & Facilities
51-1520 NSF Check Fine Finance & Facilities
51-1710 Trademarks/License Advancement
50-1373 Undergraduate Application Fee Provost 70% / Student Life 30%
50-1396 Returning Student Application Fee Provost 70% / Student Life 30%
51-1160 Change of Registration Provost
51-1492 Late Registration Provost
51-1497 Re-registration Fee Provost
51-1730 Registration Transcript Fee Provost
51-1881 Staff Registration Fee Provost
51-1888 Enrollment Service Fee Forfeit Provost
51-1138 Building and Equipment Rental Retain centrally
51-1614 Miscellaneous Receipts Retain centrally

Description of each miscellaneous fee and usage of how the revenue in these miscellaneous fee budgets is used are explained below:

  1. 50-1510 Library Fines.
    The university library assesses fines to encourage prompt return of overdue materials. Fines apply all days & all hours, even if the library is closed. The fine details can be found at
  2. 50-1374 Graduate Application Fee and Grad Student On-Leave Fee.
    Application fee is charged to prospective graduate students. Application details can be found at
    This budget also includes Grad Student On-Leave Fee that are charged to the currently matriculated graduate students. A student previously registered in the graduate school who has failed to maintain graduate student status (on leave status or registration) but who wishes to resume studies in their previous graduate program must submit a reinstatement request to the graduate school. Students approved to reinstatement must pay a fee to process their reinstatement and return to active student status. The re- instatement charges can be found at
  3. 50-1375 Law School Application Fee.
    Students applying for Law school admission are charged an application fee. Fee details can be found at
  4. 50-1378 Pharmacy School Application Fee.
    Supplemental application fee paid by the School of Pharmacy – PharmD students. The current supplemental fee is $60.
  5. 50-2428 Interstate Compact.
    School of Dentistry owns 92% of this budget and School of Pharmacy owns 8% of the budget. This revenue comes to these schools for the Western Interstate Compact Higher Education Program (WICHE)., WICHE Professional Student Exchange Program (PSEP) allows students from states, which do not have the professional Schools to pay a reduced tuition to a cooperating institution in the West.
  6. 50-2591 Dental School Application fee.
    An application fee is charged to students applying to dental school. Fee details can be found at
  7. 50-1380 WAMI Fee.
    Concurrent enrollment fee charged to students in the WWAMI region are at $50 per student per quarter. Use of this fee covers medical school administrative expenses.
  8. 50-2592 Medical School Application Fee.
    An application fee of $37 ($35 application fee and $2 convenience fee) is charged to students applying to medical school. Use of this fee covers medical school administrative expenses. Fee details can be found at
  9. 51-1138 Building and Equipment Fee.
    Revenue generated from AT&T leasing UW space for cell towers are recorded in this budget.
  10. 51-1495 Late Payment fee.
    If the student failed to pay the tuition by the due date, the student will be assessed a late payment charge based on the amount of the outstanding balance. The charges can be found at
  11. 51-1520 NSF check Fine.
    NSF check fines are fees charged to students on returned checks because of insufficient funds (NSF). The return item fee is $25. When a bank incurs this fee, the departmental budget is automatically debited $13 for each returned item. When the $25 fee is collected from the student, the department will deposit the full amount into your budget. As $13 is debited from that budget already, $12 will remain in the department’s budget for handling costs. More details can be found at
  12. 51-1710 Trademarks/License.
    Any person, organization desiring to use University of Washington trademarks in any manner must be licensed to do so. This budget records Trademark/License fee charged to customers. The link below provides licensing agreements and the royalty rates.
  13. 50-1373 Undergrad Application Fee.
    Application fee is charged to undergrad students applying for admission at the UW. The fee is charged to cover administrative costs such as personnel, postage etc. Fee details can be found at
  14. 50-1396 Returning Student Application Fee and 51-1497 Re-registration Fee
    A returning student application fee is charged to a student who wish to return to the University of Washington after an absence of more than a quarter and have not obtained a degree in the last enrolled category from the UW or another institution. Fee details can be found at
  15. 51-1160 Change of Registration Fee.
    Beginning the second week of the quarter, a change of registration fee will be charged for any add, drop or change in registration transactions (including change of grading option) made during a single day. The $20 fee is a service charge, not a penalty and is in addition to any change in tuition or forfeiture as a result of the add, drop or change.
  16. 51-1492 Late Registration Fee.
    A student who registers after the registration period I and II will be charged a late registration service fee. Fee details can be found at
  17. 51-1730 Registration Transcript Fee.
    A fee is charged to process transcripts of students. Fee and other details can be found at
  18. 51-1881 Staff registration Fee.
    Staff registration fee are fees charged to employees when they register for a course under the tuition exemption program. Employees are billed a quarterly $30 registration fee if they register for any course. This fee is nonrefundable even if the student withdraws during the first week of the quarter.
  19. 51-1888 Enrollment service Fee Forfeit.
    Enrollment service fee is charged if a student adds, drops or changes any registration transactions (including change of grading option) made during a single day. It is a service fee and not a penalty and in addition to any change in tuition or forfeiture as a result of add, drop or change. More details can be found at
  20. 51-1614 Miscellaneous Receipts.
    Other miscellaneous revenue is charged to this budget. Examples include late charges, interest etc and these revenues are held centrally and are not distributed to the units.

Fee Setting Authority Protocol and Important Policy Considerations

The establishment of new fees, and increases to existing ones is governed by two considerations.

  • The Board of Regents has reserved the authority to approve certain fees; these include: tuition rates for tuition-subsidized academic programs; services and activities fees; technology fees; Summer Quarter tuition; residence hall and family housing rates; and other fees intended to cover instructional costs (with “instructional costs” in this context defined as faculty or teaching assistant time).
  • All Other fee approvals are delegated to the president, who has traditionally delegated fee approvals to the provost. However, increases of certain fees that affect significant populations of students are often considered and acted upon by the Board of Regents, regardless of delegation.

For more information, please review the UW Administrative Policy Statement (APS 33.1 – User Fee Approval Policy) and an OPB brief on the topic at:

If fee revenue is severely impacted in any one year and would prove detrimental to the owner’s ability to provide services, a request for Provost funding could be made. However, long-term concerns about revenue not keeping pace with service needs could initiate a discussion about fee rate.

Adjustments to ABB Protocol

After many years of unchanged miscellaneous fees, there is a change proposed and approved to the methodology in handling miscellaneous fees starting 2015-17 biennium. The budgeted value of the miscellaneous fees will be changed to reflect 70% of actual revenue collections in a given year, providing 70 percent of actual revenue reflects the residual after a 30 percent ABB tax is imposed on the miscellaneous fee. This will be done via a permanent allocation to the identified owner of the fee. At the end of every fiscal year, the value of the miscellaneous fee will be updated and a permanent allocation made to the identified owner of the fee for 70% of the incremental change to the actual collections.

Miscellaneous Fee Budgets: Future reviewing process

During the annual Provost budget meetings, there will be conversation between the units and the provost of any modifications to the fee or its usage that may deem necessary.