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FY2025 Operating Budget Development Materials

On September 29, 2023, Provost Serio sent a preliminary kickoff letter and an announcement on November 6, 2023 formally commencing a dialogue with faculty, staff, and students about institutional needs, resource constraints, and priorities. The letter outlines the Provost’s focal points for shared planning, resource development and relevant deadlines.

The resources outlined and linked below are intended to support Academy planners in the use of the second release of Workday Adaptive Planning (R2) as work to craft FY25 operating budget proposals and financial forecasts for future periods.

Submission Requirements

The FY25 Operating Budget Development cycle calendar contains a list of dates and milestones. The primary due dates for several key components of the planning cycle are outlined in the table below.

What to Submit

When To Submit

How to Submit

Rate Recommendations (tuition & fee-based), Rate Recommendation Narrative, Enrollment Forecasts (tuition-based).

 Thursday, February 1, 2024

Upload to the Rate Recommendations and Enrollment Forecast Portal
Resource #3.1, below

 FY25 Operating Budget Proposals Monday, March 4, 2024 Complete in Workday Adaptive Planning
Resource #1, below

FY25 Operating Budget
Narrative Response

Monday, March 4, 2024

Upload to the Operating Budget Narrative Submission Portal
Resource #3.2, below

FY2025 Planning Resources & Templates

1) Workday Adaptive Planning: After completing required training, planners may access the Adaptive Planning tool by logging into the UW’s Workday instance, navigating to Menu -> Apps and selecting “Adaptive Planning”.

2) FY25 Annual Budget Development Process Guide (updated as of 02.13.24): This document provides contextual information focused on “how to plan in Adaptive” rather than “how to use Adaptive”.

3) Links to the two submission portals used in the FY2025 planning process:
  1. FY25 Rate Recommendations and FY25-29 Enrollment Forecasts: This tool serves as the submission portal for rate recommendations (tuition and fee-based programs), enrollment forecasts (tuition-based programs) and rate recommendation narratives (tuition and fee-based programs). Submission is required for Seattle Academic Units, UW Tacoma and UW Bothell.
  2. FY25 Operating Budget Narrative Submission Portal: This online tool serves as the submission portal for completed FY25 Operating Budget narrative responses. Submission is required by all Academy units and campuses.
      • To initiate the tool for your unit/campus, please log into Jotform.
      • An “edit” link will be sent to the email address provided after the first screen is complete. This link may be used to return to an incomplete response at a later time. You may share this link with other members of your team, however, all users with the link will have full access to edit and submit your unit’s response.

4) Rate Recommendation Templates: The following templates must be completed (even if not recommending an increase) and uploaded to the Rate Recommendations and Enrollment Forecast Portal (item #3.1, above):

  1. Excel template for tuition-based program rate recommendations
  2. Excel template for fee-based program rate recommendations
  3. Word template for tuition and fee-based program narrative responses

5) FY2025 Operating Budget Narrative Response Template (Word template): This Word document is to be populated by units/campuses and uploaded to the Operating Budget Narrative Submission Portal by the due date noted above. A full list of questions asked within the tuition and fee-based narrative template and the operating budget narrative response template is available for reference.

6) Central Budget Policies & Assumptions: This document provides central budget policies and assumptions, which should be used as a base case for completing FY25 operating budget proposals. Within the Operating Budget Narrative Submission Portal please identify and briefly explain any assumptions that differ from these central budget assumptions. Note that many, but not all, assumptions are variables driven within the Adaptive Planning software.

7) Sample Planning Timeline: This document provides units and campuses with a sample planning calendar to consider. Following this timeline is not required – it simply serves as a starting point for administrators who wish to leverage or build upon it.

8) Multi-Dimensional Planning Tools & Resources: A set of dashboards that provide unit level information relating to student and faculty activity. At this time, only Dean/VP’s office administrators have access to this tool. You must be on the UW VPN if working remotely in order to access this information.

9) FY2025-2029 Core Funds Distribution Table (Plan Assumptions): For Dean, VP and Chancellor Offices, this table can be used to assist with GOF/DOF/Proviso planning.

  • FY2025 – 29 Core Funds Distribution Table (Base Case Forecast): based on November 2023 data and using the base case central planning assumptions (item 6, above).
  • First planned update: early February, after unit/campus submission of rate recommendations and tuition-based program enrollment forecasts: FY2025-2029 Core Funds Distribution Table (February 2024 updated forecast)
  • Second planned update: early May, after unit/campus budget meetings with the Executive Office and outcomes from the state legislative session are known.

10) FY25 April Budget Review Meetings “What to Expect”: Recordings of information sessions held in March in preparation for April budget review meetings.

11) FY25 Adaptive Reopening Data Quality Checklist: A list of items to check for and resolve if errors are found.

We’re Here to Help – Additional Support Resources and Venues

While every year presents new conditions and opportunities that influence requests for information, the FY25 operating budget development cycle kicks off with the University still in the stabilization phase of the broader Workday Finance (including Adaptive R2) deployment.

1) OPB’s Budget Operations team will hold regular office hours throughout the FY25 planning cycle on Thursdays from 10:00 am to 10:45 am. Please visit the budget support resources page for the Zoom link. Previously recorded office hour “content sessions” are also available from this page.

2) Requests for individual support not covered within these resources should submit a support request via UW Connect Finance –> Adaptive Support Request.

3) Historical responses to narrative questions from previous years are available by fiscal year and by unit/campus on OPB’s Annual Budgets page.