On December 3, 2021, Provost Richards sent his FY23 Annual Review letter to the leadership of all UW units and campuses to kick off a nine-month dialogue with faculty, staff, and students about institutional needs, resource constraints, and priorities. The letter is expected to outline the Provost’s key questions for the FY2023 Annual Review, the challenges facing the University, relevant deadlines, and a variety of resources. Please note that annual reviews are meant to be a holistic look at finances and operations, which will help inform the development of the University’s FY2023 operating budget.
Submission Requirements
What to Submit |
When To Submit |
How to Submit |
Completed Fiscal Vitality Reports |
Tuesday, February 1, 2022 |
Upload to the Annual Review Submission Portal* (see resources section, below, for link) |
Tuition-Based Program Rate Recommendations |
Tuesday, February 1, 2022 |
Upload to the Annual Review Submission Portal* (see resources section, below, for link) |
Annual Review Narrative Response |
Tuesday, February 1, 2022 |
Upload to the Annual Review Submission Portal* (see resources section, below, for link) |
FY2022 Annual Review Resources & Templates
To initiate the tool for your unit, please use this link
An “edit” link will be sent to the email address provided after the first screen is complete. This link may be used to return to an incomplete response at a later time. You may share this link with other members of your team, however, all users with the link will have full access to edit and submit your unit’s response.
2) Tuition-Based Program Rate Recommendation Template: This Excel template is utilized to enter tuition rate recommendations, by tuition category. Template must be uploaded to the Annual Review Submission Portal.
3) FY2023 Annual Review Narrative Response Template (Word template): This Word document is to be populated by units/campuses and uploaded to the Annual Review Submission Portal. Please note that several additional questions, largely quantitative, are asked within the Annual Review Submission Portal. A full list of all questions asked within the word template and the online submission portal is available for reference as you prepare your unit responses.
4) Blank Fiscal Vitality Template: A blank Excel template is available for units/campuses to use as needed during the planning process. Please note, all submissions must be made within the original, locked, template distributed to your Chancellor/Dean/VP and Administrator. For data quality and control purposes, submissions on unlocked templates will be rejected.
5) Central Budget Policies & Assumptions: This document provides central budget policies and assumptions, which can be used when completing the fiscal reports for the FY2023 Annual Review process. Please note that these central assumptions are generic and, in many cases, imperfect. Please feel free to use modified assumptions in your fiscal projections to more accurately represent what you expect for your unit/campus. Please clearly identify and briefly explain any assumptions used in your calculations that are different from these central budget assumptions within the online Annual Review Narrative.
6) FY2023 Process Guide & Fiscal Vitality Technical Reference Resource: This document provides an in-depth user guide covering the following aspects of the FY2023 Annual Review Process:
- A tab-by-tab “how to complete” summary for the Excel-based Fiscal Vitality workbooks;
- General information on new multi-dimensional planning resources
- General submission information;
- Row-by-row general and unit-specific parameters used to compile fiscal data that was provided to units;
- A report containing current (FY22) summary of budget types, classes, super classes, families, and communities; and
- Frequently Asked Questions
7) OPB’s Tableau-Based FY2023 Fiscal Vitality Planning Dashboard: Contains a number of views and slices of the data utilized to populate the FY2023 Fiscal Vitality Templates. At this time, only Dean/VP/VC Office Administrators have access to this resource and you must be on the UW VPN if working remotely in order to access this information. Views contained within these dashboards include:
- Documents and Resources/How to Use The Tool
- All Funds Rollup w/filtering
- Activity by Department and Sub-College w/filtering
- Expenditures by Account Code w/filtering
- Revenue & Budget Authority by Budget Number w/filtering
- A variety of “waterfall chart” views
8) Multi-Dimensional Planning Tools & Resources: A set of dashboards that provide unit level information relating to student and faculty activity. At this time, only Dean/VP’s office administrators have access to this tool. You must be on the UW VPN if working remotely in order to access this information
9) Carryover Commitment Plan Guide & Examples: A walk-through guide intended to orient users to the format and types of information to include within a submission.
10) FY23 Annual Review Process Overview Presentation: Annual budget development process overview presentation delivered to several stakeholder groups during the Fall.
Additional Resources and Forums
Every year presents new conditions and opportunities that influence requests for information. As such, there are several new items present in this budget package that may require additional assistance. We wish to provide resources to support all units/campuses in completing this work in the timeframe allotted. Thus, the following resources are also available to you:
1) OPB will hold two open Q&A sessions to discuss and answer questions about the annual review process and templates (note that no formal presentation will be delivered). These sessions are open to anyone with a UW NetID, and will be held on the following dates:
- Friday, December 17th, from 11:00am to 12:00pm at this Zoom link
(signing into Zoom with your UW NetID is required) - Friday, January 7th, from 11:00am to 12:00pm at this Zoom link
(signing into Zoom with your UW NetID is required)
2) Sarah Norris Hall, Jason Campbell, Erin Guthrie, and Jed Bradley are available to address questions or concerns outside of these sessions.
- For questions related to the overall process, contact Jason Campbell or Sarah Norris Hall
- For questions related to the Fiscal Vitality templates or Annual Review submission portal, please contact Jason Campbell
- For questions related to the multi-dimensional planning resources, please contact Erin Guthrie
- For questions related to tuition rates and the tuition rate recommendation form, please contact Jed Bradley
3) Historical responses to similar questions from previous years are available by fiscal year and by unit on OPB’s Annual Budgets page.