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Live with the Pack again next year!

UW Residence Hall students talking to one another

Why your Husky should consider returning to UW Residence Halls

Did you know that 3,300 HFS residents are 2nd-year students or more?!

Is your Husky curious about living back with the pack in the Residence Halls next year? Encourage them to watch our UW Housing video to hear from previous UW residents about why they decided to live on campus again another year.

It has already come to the that time of year that you and your Husky should start to think about where your Husky is going to live next year. Did you know that returning Huskies to the UW Residence Halls get first pick of available rooms? That’s right, as a returning resident, your Husky will receive Returning Resident priority, meaning they will get first-choice priority when it comes time to pick their room! This is one of the many perks of living back on campus!

Explore UW’s housing options and visit the UW Housing Returning Resident Guide webpage to learn more.