Population Health

November 13, 2017

Winter 2018 undergraduate course focuses on population health

Course ImageThe Population Health Initiative has partnered with the University of Washington’s Undergraduate Research Program to offer a series of faculty lectures during Winter Quarter 2018 focused on the three pillars of population health: human health, environmental resilience and social and economic equity.

The Research Exposed! (General Studies 391D) course will feature faculty from a number of disciplines discussing their population health-related research. Undergraduates may take this course for credit (i.e., one credit/quarter; three quarters max). Each lecture is open to all interested faculty, students, staff, alumni and members of the community.

The course will meet Wednesdays from 12:30 to 1:20 p.m. in Odegaard Library. The speakers and topics for this quarter are described in the following table.

Date Speaker Topic Department
1/3 India Ornelas Introduction to population health Health Services
1/10 Ali Mokdad Global Burden of Disease: Understanding health disparities IHME
1/17 Ana Mari Cauce The University of Washington’s population health vision President
1/24 Jonathan Posner Engineering Innovation in Health and Clean Cookstoves Lab Mechanical Engineering
1/31 Jennifer Bacci Community pharmacy’s role in population health Pharmacy
2/7 Jacob Vigdor The Minimum Wage Study Public Policy and Governance
2/14 Amy Snover Developing resilience to climate variability and change Marine & Environmental Affairs
2/21 Wendy Barrington Cancer health disparities Nursing
2/28 Mary Fan Recording the police Law
3/7 Jennifer Harris Undergraduate research panel Undergraduate Research Program

This course is sponsored by the Odegaard Undergraduate Library, Undergraduate Academic Affairs, the Undergraduate Research Program and the Population Health Initiative.