August 15, 2023
Understanding the impact of long COVID on Latino communities
The University of Washington’s Latino Center for Health has launched a study to understand the extent and impact of long COVID on Washington’s Latino communities. According to the World Health Organization, long COVID is the continuation of symptoms that began within three months of a case of infection and have persisted for at least two months with no other explanation.
Since the start of the pandemic, Latino communities in Washington state have had higher rates of COVID infection than the general population, higher rates of hospitalization and higher rates of mortality, yet not many people from Latino communities are seeking treatment and support at long COVID clinics. Dr. Leo Morales, Professor of Medicine at the UW School of Medicine and the co-director of the Latino Center for Health, partnered with SeaMar Community Health Centers, the Allen Institute for Immunology, and the Yakima Valley Farmer Workers Clinics to develop and launch a survey to intended to better understand address this apparent disparity.
The survey will be given to Latinos who are 18 years or older and have had a positive COVID-19 test result. The questionnaire will include questions about symptoms, medical history, if they have received the COVID-19 vaccine, physical and mental health, and their social and economic situation. For participants with interest, a follow-up clinical study will be conducted that examines the potential roles of long COVID on the immune system and various health conditions.