November 5, 2024
New UW biomaterials center seeks to fight inequities, reduce disparities
The National Institutes of Health recently granted $10.5 million towards the creation of the Humanity Unlocking Biomaterials (HUB) center, led by the University of Michigan and University of Washington, with a focus on advancing biomaterials research through the recruitment of historically excluded Black, Latino and Indigenous individuals.
The proposal applies a concept known as centering margins, which instigates a path towards rapid progress by partnering those in power to excluded individuals. HUB center leaders plan to focus on bringing individuals who have little power or influence into the world of biomaterials could accelerate research and shift the way of thinking within the field.
The HUB center plans to host in-person annual meetings to assess research directions, spark partnerships and distribute $5.7 million in seed grant money. They also hope to initiate live sessions where those outside of the biomaterials field can pitch their ideas.