Population Health

Climate Change Centers & Institutes

Center for Environmental Politics

Plays a leadership role in producing and disseminating social science research on environmental politics, policy and governance at local, regional, national, and global levels.

Home School/College: College of Arts & Sciences


Center for Health and the Global Environment

CHanGE researches the effects of global environmental change on human health in order to help communities adapt to likely future scenarios.

Home School/College: School of Public Health


Center for Studies in Demography & Ecology

CSDE scholars study human resilience and adaptation to climate change, the role of neighborhoods in conditioning human behavior, and policy and program interventions and their impact on population outcomes.

Home School/College: College of Arts & Sciences


Climate Impacts Group

Supports the development of climate resilience by advancing understanding and awareness of climate risks, and working closely with public and private entities to apply this information as they act to shape society’s future.

Home School/College: College of the Environment


Climate Risk Lab

Advances data and technology solutions to issues in climate-related financial risk for corporate and government decision-makers.

Home School/College: Foster School of Business


Clean Energy Institute

Accelerates the adoption of a scalable clean energy future that will improve the health and economy of our state, nation, and world.

Home School/College: College of Engineering


Computing for the Environment

Supports novel collaborations across the broad fields of environmental sciences and computer science & engineering.

Home School/College: College of Engineering



Part research engine and part community catalyst, EarthLab works with partners to accelerate and focus UW expertise to address environmental challenges, making a positive impact on peoples’ lives and livelihoods.

Home School/College: College of the Environment


Integrated Design Lab

Discovering solutions that overcome the most difficult building performance barriers, and to meet the building industry’s goals of moving towards radically higher performing buildings and healthy urban environments.

Home School/College: College of Built Environments