Population Health

October 10, 2023

Applied Research Fellowship project explores King County housing migration trends

The 2023 University of Washington Population Health Initiative Applied Research Fellowship program recently concluded their research assessing migration and displacement trends in King County through the use of novel data sources. Their findings offer useful insights for King County policymakers regarding future resource allocations. This year’s five student fellows were a mix of graduate and…

October 4, 2023

Summer 2023 Social Entrepreneurship Fellows complete projects, share findings

The Population Health Initiative’s summer 2023 Social Entrepreneurship Fellows Program concluded in August with the fellows presenting their findings to students, faculty and staff from schools and colleges across campus. The fellows spent 10 weeks working on population health innovations developed by University of Washington researchers to determine how these innovations could be financially sustainable…

October 2, 2023

Entrepreneurial Women in Population Health event taking place on Wednesday, October 11

Join the University of Washington Population Health Initiative and the Buerk Center for Entrepreneurship from 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. on Wednesday, October 11 for the panel event, “Entrepreneurial Women in Population Health.” The panel will be held in Room 101 of the Hans Rosling Center for Population Health. The lunch, panel event and Q&A…

September 28, 2023

Climate change is leading to increases in human-wildlife conflicts

A warming planet is increasing the number of human-wildlife conflicts occurring across the globe, according to scientists at the University of Washington’s Center for Ecosystem Sentinels, which recently published research showing just how intertwined humans are with wildlife. The research team referred to incidents of human-wildlife conflicts and identified cases that were linked specifically to…

September 25, 2023

Measuring the psychological impact of administrative burdens on transgender people

More than 99 million individuals participated in federally funded social safety net services in 2019, a total that represents 30 percent of the United States population. These social programs offer various types of assistance and are crucial in supporting vulnerable communities, such as transgender people, during times of hardship. Despite their importance, extensive barriers continue…

September 21, 2023

Initiative supports launch of new UW Center for Disaster Resilient Communities

The new University of Washington Center for Disaster Resilient Communities (CDRC) launched today with the goal of uniting the university’s extensive expertise in disaster research to inform and strengthen how communities prepare for and respond to disasters. The Center seeks to engage the more than 100 UW faculty, including disaster researchers, engineers, data and environmental…

September 19, 2023

Summer study abroad program explored social entrepreneurship, population health in India

Eight University of Washington undergraduate students representing several different schools and colleges recently returned from a three-week study abroad program, “Social Entrepreneurship and Population Health in India.” New in 2023, this partnership between the Population Health Initiative, the School of Public Health and the Evans School of Public Policy & Governance offered students the opportunity…

September 13, 2023

Initiative co-hosting Fostering Climate Change Connections event on October 23

The Population Health Initiative and EarthLab will again co-host an Open Space-style event in the University of Washington wǝɫǝbʔaltxʷ – Intellectual House on Monday, October 23, 2023, to help facilitate the development of new interdisciplinary collaborations between UW researchers to take on pressing climate-related challenges. This is the second Fostering Climate Change Connections event, following…

September 6, 2023

Awardees of 2021 pilot research grants report final project outcomes

In March 2021, the Population Health Initiative awarded eight pilot research grants to faculty-led teams representing seven different University of Washington schools and colleges as well as external partners. These pilot research grants are intended to spur new, interdisciplinary collaborations among investigators for projects addressing major population health challenges. Each team has now completed their…

August 31, 2023

Thirteen new members named to Population Health Initiative executive council

University of Washington President Ana Mari Cauce has named 13 new representatives to the 30-member Population Health Initiative executive council. These individuals, who will begin their terms in autumn quarter 2023, are: Tricia Serio, provost and executive vice president José Alaniz, professor of Slavic Languages & Literature, College of Arts & Sciences John Fortney, professor…

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