Population Health

August 22, 2023

New York Climate Exchange features the UW as a core partner

The University of Washington is one of the core partners involved in the launch of the New York Climate Exchange, a new center located on Governors Island that will develop and deploy dynamic solutions to the global climate crisis. The Climate Exchange is headed by Stony Brook University and consists of numerous core partners, including…

August 15, 2023

Understanding the impact of long COVID on Latino communities

The University of Washington’s Latino Center for Health has launched a study to understand the extent and impact of long COVID on Washington’s Latino communities. According to the World Health Organization, long COVID is the continuation of symptoms that began within three months of a case of infection and have persisted for at least two…

August 9, 2023

Project identifies thousands of racially discriminatory housing covenants

The University of Washington’s Racial Restrictive Covenants Project, led by James Gregory, a professor of history, an uncovered more than 40,000 property deeds in Western Washington containing racially discriminatory language. A team of UW students and nearly 800 volunteers identified these deeds through are investigation of racial covenants in King, Pierce, Snohomish, Whatcom and Thurston…

August 2, 2023

Improving adherence to pediatric clinical care guidelines in Kenya

Deaths of children under five years of age in Kenya have been steadily decreasing since 1990. However, nearly 65,000 children are still dying each year from causes such as diarrhea, HIV/AIDS, pneumonia and malnutrition. While standard medical guidelines exist for clinical care for each of these conditions, adherence to those guidelines remains inconsistent in Kenya….

July 26, 2023

UW Bothell lecturer on journey to support ALS patients through game technology

ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, with those diagnosed eventually losing the ability to speak and move. Augmented reality, virtual reality, artificial intelligence and video games may offer benefits, which is a research direction one University of Washington Bothell faculty member is…

July 18, 2023

Awardees of autumn quarter 2022 Tier 1 pilot research grants report their progress

The Population Health Initiative awarded Tier 1 pilot grants in autumn quarter 2022 to nine different teams that are working to lay an interdisciplinary foundation for future projects to generate proof-of-concept. Each of the funded projects has now reached the mid-point of their work, and investigators have shared a range of positive progress that is…

July 13, 2023

New research investigates long-term health risks for firefighters

Firefighters face occupational risks in the profession on a daily basis. Potential exposures to toxic chemicals is the focus for three major research studies by investigators at the University of Washington’s School of Public Health. The first study is concerned with firefighters’ exposure to PFAs (per- and polyfluorinated substances) due to its prevalence in fire…

July 11, 2023

Initiative jointly funds two Innovation Gap Fund projects with CoMotion

The University of Washington Population Health Initiative continued its annual partnership with CoMotion to jointly fund two Innovation Gap Funds of $50,000 each. This $100,000 in funding will support projects that simultaneously support the UW’s vision for improving population health while also fulfilling the CoMotion Innovation Fund’s goal of enabling research that will achieve sustainable…

June 29, 2023

New test can identify Alzheimer-related protein in blood years before symptoms emerge

Most Alzheimer’s patients are currently diagnosed only after they present with symptoms of the disease. University of Washington researchers are working to create a reliable diagnostic test that can detect signs of Alzheimer’s prior to a patient exhibiting symptoms. The research team found that seeds of Alzheimer’s are planted in the brain years before diagnosis….

June 27, 2023

Exploring the benefits of home-based food businesses in Washington State

Inequitable access to economic resources and employment opportunities plays a significant role in health disparities. In the United States, for example, women, immigrants and people of color face many barriers to securing high-quality jobs and financial security. As a result, marginalized communities may see benefits from unconventional careers like self-employment as a means of mitigating…

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