Population Health

Search Climate Change Experts at UW

Name Email Unit Category
Briana Abrahms


Arts & Sciences, College of

Climate models and climate predictions, simulations on warming, emissions, and other
Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Measuring and understanding climate change
Daniel Abramson


Built Environments, College of
Urban Design & Planning

Broad regional implications of climate change
Building infrastructure to withstand climate-related weather stress
Climate justice
Energy and infrastructure
Human Behavior
Issues of equity
Regional Impacts
Strategies to build resilience in communities, including effective stakeholder engagement
Stuart Adler


Chemical Engineering
Engineering, College of

Clean and sustainable energy generation options
Energy and infrastructure
Danya Al-Saleh


Arts & Sciences, College of
Jackson School of International Studies

Climate justice
Energy and infrastructure
Impact on the climate of the production and use of energy
Issues of equity
Marina Alberti


Built Environments, College of
Urban Design & Planning

Building infrastructure to withstand climate-related weather stress
Energy and infrastructure
Becky Alexander


Atmospheric Sciences
Environment, College of the

Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Measuring and understanding climate change
Catherine De Almeida


Built Environments, College of
Landscape Architecture

Climate justice
Ethical and social justice priorities for adaptive capacities
Food security, agriculture, and aquaculture
Impacts on food, water, and air
Issues of equity
Alexandra Anderson-Frey


Atmospheric Sciences
Environment, College of the

Climate models and climate predictions, simulations on warming, emissions, and other
Measuring and understanding climate change
Kyle Armour


Environment, College of the

Broad regional implications of climate change
Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Measuring and understanding climate change
Regional Impacts
Jayadev Athreya


Arts & Sciences, College of

Climate models and climate predictions, simulations on warming, emissions, and other
Energy and infrastructure
Impact on the climate of the production and use of energy
Measuring and understanding climate change
Jennifer Atkinson


Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences
UW Bothell

Human Health
Mental health impacts from displacement, livelihood loss and conflict
Jeff Ban


Civil and Environmental Engineering
Engineering, College of

Energy and infrastructure
Transportation and transit systems
Janet Baseman


Medicine, School of

Human Behavior
David Battisti


Atmospheric Sciences
Environment, College of the

Continental biomass research
Food security, agriculture, and aquaculture
Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Impacts on food, water, and air
Measuring and understanding climate change
Phillip Bell


Education, College of

Formal and informal education on climate change
Human Behavior
Arbella Bet-Shlimon


Arts & Sciences, College of

Formal and informal education on climate change
Human Behavior
Studies of knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, or preferences related to climate change
Tim Billo


Arts & Sciences, College of
Environment, College of the

Broad regional implications of climate change
Formal and informal education on climate change
Human Behavior
Regional Impacts
Cecilia Bitz


Atmospheric Sciences
Environment, College of the

Climate models and climate predictions, simulations on warming, emissions, and other
Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Measuring and understanding climate change
Edward Blanchard-Wrigglesworth


Atmospheric Sciences
Environment, College of the

Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Measuring and understanding climate change
Dee Boersma


Arts & Sciences, College of

Continental biomass research
Measuring and understanding climate change
Nick Bond


Atmospheric Sciences
Environment, College of the

Climate models and climate predictions, simulations on warming, emissions, and other
Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Measuring and understanding climate change
Ann Bostrom


Evans School of Public Policy and Governance

Human Behavior
Policy and politics related to reducing and preparing for human-driven climate change
Studies of knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, or preferences related to climate change
Chris Bretherton


Applied Mathematics
Arts & Sciences, College of

Climate models and climate predictions, simulations on warming, emissions, and other
Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Measuring and understanding climate change
Berry Brosi


Arts & Sciences, College of

Food security, agriculture, and aquaculture
Human Behavior
Impacts on food, water, and air
Policy and politics related to reducing and preparing for human-driven climate change
Sally Brown


Environment, College of the
Environmental and Forest Sciences

Continental biomass research
Measuring and understanding climate change
Lauren Buckley


Arts & Sciences, College of

Climate models and climate predictions, simulations on warming, emissions, and other
Continental biomass research
Measuring and understanding climate change
Renata Bura


Environment, College of the
Environmental and Forest Sciences

Planetary-scale solutions
Heather Burpee


Built Environments, College of

Building infrastructure to withstand climate-related weather stress
Energy and infrastructure
David Butman


Civil and Environmental Engineering
Engineering, College of
Environment, College of the
Environmental and Forest Sciences

Impacts on food, water, and air
Water reliability, quality, and sufficiency
James Carothers


Chemical Engineering
Engineering, College of

Planetary-scale solutions
Emily Carrington


Arts & Sciences, College of

Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Measuring and understanding climate change
Cynthia Chang


Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
UW Bothell

Continental biomass research
Measuring and understanding climate change
Cynthia Chen


Civil and Environmental Engineering
Engineering, College of

Energy and infrastructure
Human Behavior
Strategies to build resilience in communities, including effective stakeholder engagement
Transportation and transit systems
Shuyi Chen


Atmospheric Sciences
Environment, College of the

Climate models and climate predictions, simulations on warming, emissions, and other
Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Measuring and understanding climate change
Knut Christianson


Earth and Space Sciences
Environment, College of the

Climate models and climate predictions, simulations on warming, emissions, and other
Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Measuring and understanding climate change
Patrick Christie


Arts & Sciences, College of
Jackson School of International Studies

Broad regional implications of climate change
Continental biomass research
Food security, agriculture, and aquaculture
Impacts on food, water, and air
Measuring and understanding climate change
Regional Impacts
Jiun-Haw Chu


Arts & Sciences, College of

Clean and sustainable energy generation options
Energy and infrastructure
Sarah Collier


Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
Nutritional Sciences Program
Public Health, School of

Food security, agriculture, and aquaculture
Strategies to build resilience in communities, including effective stakeholder engagement
Howard Conway


Earth and Space Sciences
Environment, College of the

Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Measuring and understanding climate change
Joyce Cooper


Engineering, College of
Mechanical Engineering

Building infrastructure to withstand climate-related weather stress
Energy and infrastructure
Sara Curran


Arts & Sciences, College of
Jackson School of International Studies

Migration and resettlement
Morbidity and mortality from injuries related to extreme weather events and conflict, including occupational health impacts
Policy and politics related to reducing and preparing for human-driven climate change
Anthony Dichiara


Environment, College of the
Environmental and Forest Sciences

Clean and sustainable energy generation options
Energy and infrastructure
Sharon Doty


Environment, College of the
Environmental and Forest Sciences

Food security, agriculture, and aquaculture
Impacts on food, water, and air
Water reliability, quality, and sufficiency
Adam Drewnowski


Medicine, School of

Food security, agriculture, and aquaculture
Human Health
Impacts on food, water, and air
Non-communicable diseases
Nicole Errett


Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
Public Health, School of

Human Behavior
Strategies to build resilience in communities, including effective stakeholder engagement
Tim Essington


Aquatic and Fishery Sciences
Environment, College of the

Adapting global research to understand regional impacts
Food security, agriculture, and aquaculture
Impacts on food, water, and air
Regional Impacts
Ryan Fehr


Foster School of Business
Management & Organization

Air quality and pollution
Impacts on food, water, and air
Ben Fitzhugh


Arts & Sciences, College of

Broad regional implications of climate change
Human Behavior
Regional Impacts
Strategies to build resilience in communities, including effective stakeholder engagement
Bob Freitag


Built Environments, College of
Urban Design & Planning

Human Behavior
Strategies to build resilience in communities, including effective stakeholder engagement
Carolyn Friedman


Aquatic and Fishery Sciences
Environment, College of the

Broad regional implications of climate change
Continental biomass research
Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Measuring and understanding climate change
Regional Impacts
Dargan Frierson


Atmospheric Sciences
Environment, College of the

Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Measuring and understanding climate change
Qiang Fu


Atmospheric Sciences
Environment, College of the

Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Measuring and understanding climate change
T.J. Fudge


Earth and Space Sciences
Environment, College of the

Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Measuring and understanding climate change
Erica Fuhrmeister


Civil and Environmental Engineering
Engineering, College of

Building infrastructure to withstand climate-related weather stress
Energy and infrastructure
Human Health
Impacts on food, water, and air
Infectious and toxicological diseases
Water reliability, quality, and sufficiency
Alex Gagnon


Environment, College of the

Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Measuring and understanding climate change
Stephen Gardiner


Arts & Sciences, College of

Climate justice
Ethical and social justice priorities for adaptive capacities
Human Behavior
Issues of equity
Planetary-scale solutions
Policy and politics related to reducing and preparing for human-driven climate change
David Ginger


Arts & Sciences, College of

Clean and sustainable energy generation options
Energy and infrastructure
Hilary Godwin


Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
Public Health, School of

Air quality and pollution
Broad regional implications of climate change
Energy and infrastructure
Impact on the climate of the production and use of energy
Impacts on food, water, and air
Regional Impacts
Water reliability, quality, and sufficiency
Mike Gomez


Civil and Environmental Engineering
Engineering, College of

Planetary-scale solutions
Heidi Gough


Environment, College of the
Environmental and Forest Sciences

Impacts on food, water, and air
Planetary-scale solutions
Water reliability, quality, and sufficiency
Philip Govedare


Art+ Art History + Design
Arts & Sciences, College of

Human Behavior
Solana (Ruff) Granados


Climate Impacts Group
Environment, College of the

Climate justice
Human Behavior
Issues of equity
Strategies to build resilience in communities, including effective stakeholder engagement
Lisa Graumlich


Environment, College of the
Environmental and Forest Sciences

Continental biomass research
Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Measuring and understanding climate change
Patrick Greiner


Arts & Sciences, College of

Climate justice
Energy and infrastructure
Ethical and social justice priorities for adaptive capacities
Human Behavior
Impact on the climate of the production and use of energy
Issues of equity
Policy and politics related to reducing and preparing for human-driven climate change
Joshua Griffin


American Indian Studies
Arts & Sciences, College of

Climate justice
Human Behavior
Intergenerational justice
Issues of equity
Migration and resettlement
Studies of knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, or preferences related to climate change
Himanshu Grover


Built Environments, College of
Urban Design & Planning

Building infrastructure to withstand climate-related weather stress
Climate justice
Energy and infrastructure
Ethical and social justice priorities for adaptive capacities
Human Behavior
Human Health
Issues of equity
Measuring infrastructure damage
Morbidity and mortality from injuries related to extreme weather events and conflict, including occupational health impacts
Policy and politics related to reducing and preparing for human-driven climate change
Strategies to build resilience in communities, including effective stakeholder engagement
Studies of knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, or preferences related to climate change
Jason Groves


Arts & Sciences, College of

Human Behavior
Vin Gupta

Health Metrics Sciences
Medicine, School of

Human Behavior
Policy and politics related to reducing and preparing for human-driven climate change
Richard Gustafson


Environment, College of the
Environmental and Forest Sciences

Clean and sustainable energy generation options
Energy and infrastructure
Celina Balderas Guzmán


Built Environments, College of
Landscape Architecture

Building infrastructure to withstand climate-related weather stress
Energy and infrastructure
Anjum Hajat


Medicine, School of

Air quality and pollution
Climate justice
Impacts on food, water, and air
Issues of equity
Gregory Hakim


Atmospheric Sciences
Environment, College of the

Climate models and climate predictions, simulations on warming, emissions, and other
Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Measuring and understanding climate change
Dennis Hartmann


Atmospheric Sciences
Environment, College of the

Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Measuring and understanding climate change
Brian Harvey


Environment, College of the
Environmental and Forest Sciences

Continental biomass research
Measuring and understanding climate change
Lorenz Hauser


Aquatic and Fishery Sciences
Environment, College of the

Food security, agriculture, and aquaculture
Impacts on food, water, and air
Water reliability, quality, and sufficiency
Simon Hay


Health Metrics Sciences
Medicine, School of

Climate models and climate predictions, simulations on warming, emissions, and other
Human Health
Measuring and understanding climate change
Non-communicable diseases
David Hendry


Information School

Food security, agriculture, and aquaculture
Impacts on food, water, and air
Gregory Hicks


Law, School of

Human Behavior
Impacts on food, water, and air
Policy and politics related to reducing and preparing for human-driven climate change
Water reliability, quality, and sufficiency
Gordon Holtgrieve


Aquatic and Fishery Sciences
Environment, College of the

Formal and informal education on climate change
Human Behavior
Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Measuring and understanding climate change
Faisal Hossain


Civil and Environmental Engineering
Engineering, College of

Building infrastructure to withstand climate-related weather stress
Energy and infrastructure
Food security, agriculture, and aquaculture
Impact on the climate of the production and use of energy
Impacts on food, water, and air
Water reliability, quality, and sufficiency
Bill Howe


Information School

Energy and infrastructure
Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Measuring and understanding climate change
Transportation and transit systems
Erkan Istanbulluoglu


Civil and Environmental Engineering
Engineering, College of

Climate models and climate predictions, simulations on warming, emissions, and other
Impacts on food, water, and air
Measuring and understanding climate change
Water reliability, quality, and sufficiency
Vikram Iyer


Computer Science & Engineering
Engineering, College of

Clean and sustainable energy generation options
Energy and infrastructure
Food security, agriculture, and aquaculture
Impacts on food, water, and air
Daniel Jaffe


Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
UW Bothell

Adapting global research to understand regional impacts
Air quality and pollution
Broad regional implications of climate change
Human Health
Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Impacts on food, water, and air
Infectious and toxicological diseases
Measuring and understanding climate change
Regional Impacts
Brittany Johnson


Environment, College of the
Environmental and Forest Sciences

Continental biomass research
Measuring and understanding climate change
Susan Joslyn


Arts & Sciences, College of

Human Behavior
Studies of knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, or preferences related to climate change
Jin-Kyu Jung


Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences
UW Bothell

Broad regional implications of climate change
Continental biomass research
Measuring and understanding climate change
Regional Impacts
Joel Kaufman


Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
General Internal Medicine
Medicine, School of
Public Health, School of

Air quality and pollution
Human Health
Impacts on food, water, and air
Non-communicable diseases
Richard Keil


Environment, College of the

Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Measuring and understanding climate change
Deborah Kelley


Environment, College of the

Broad regional implications of climate change
Climate models and climate predictions, simulations on warming, emissions, and other
Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Measuring and understanding climate change
Regional Impacts
Maureen Kennedy


Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences
UW Tacoma

Climate models and climate predictions, simulations on warming, emissions, and other
Formal and informal education on climate change
Human Behavior
Measuring and understanding climate change
Michael Kern


Human Behavior
Policy and politics related to reducing and preparing for human-driven climate change
Strategies to build resilience in communities, including effective stakeholder engagement
Terrie Klinger


Environment, College of the
Marine and Environmental Affairs

Adapting global research to understand regional impacts
Air quality and pollution
Food security, agriculture, and aquaculture
Impacts on food, water, and air
Regional Impacts
Sanne Knudsen


Law, School of

Human Behavior
Policy and politics related to reducing and preparing for human-driven climate change
Edward Kolodziej


Civil and Environmental Engineering
Engineering, College of
Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences
UW Tacoma

Impacts on food, water, and air
Water reliability, quality, and sufficiency
Tom Koontz


Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences
UW Tacoma

Clean and sustainable energy generation options
Energy and infrastructure
Human Behavior
Policy and politics related to reducing and preparing for human-driven climate change
Mark Kot


Applied Mathematics
Arts & Sciences, College of

Climate models and climate predictions, simulations on warming, emissions, and other
Measuring and understanding climate change
Michelle Koutnik


Earth and Space Sciences
Environment, College of the

Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Measuring and understanding climate change
John Kramlich


Engineering, College of
Mechanical Engineering

Air quality and pollution
Clean and sustainable energy generation options
Energy and infrastructure
Impacts on food, water, and air
Meade Krosby


Climate Impacts Group
Environment, College of the

Broad regional implications of climate change
Climate models and climate predictions, simulations on warming, emissions, and other
Human Behavior
Measuring and understanding climate change
Policy and politics related to reducing and preparing for human-driven climate change
Regional Impacts
Kristin Laidre


Aquatic and Fishery Sciences
Environment, College of the

Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Measuring and understanding climate change
Janneke Hille Ris Lambers


Arts & Sciences, College of

Continental biomass research
Measuring and understanding climate change
Peter Lape


Arts & Sciences, College of

Broad regional implications of climate change
Human Behavior
Regional Impacts
Strategies to build resilience in communities, including effective stakeholder engagement
Joshua Lawler


Environment, College of the
Environmental and Forest Sciences

Climate models and climate predictions, simulations on warming, emissions, and other
Continental biomass research
Measuring and understanding climate change
Clarita Lefthand-Begay


Information School

Climate justice
Human Behavior
Impacts on food, water, and air
Issues of equity
Strategies to build resilience in communities, including effective stakeholder engagement
Studies of knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, or preferences related to climate change
Water reliability, quality, and sufficiency
Evelyn Lessard


Environment, College of the

Broad regional implications of climate change
Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Measuring and understanding climate change
Regional Impacts
Karen Litfin


Arts & Sciences, College of
Political Science

Ethical and social justice priorities for adaptive capacities
Human Behavior
Issues of equity
Policy and politics related to reducing and preparing for human-driven climate change
Strategies to build resilience in communities, including effective stakeholder engagement
Jun Liu


Chemical Engineering
Engineering, College of
Materials Science and Engineering

Clean and sustainable energy generation options
Energy and infrastructure
Impact on the climate of the production and use of energy
Santiago Lopez


Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences
UW Bothell

Broad regional implications of climate change
Continental biomass research
Measuring and understanding climate change
Regional Impacts
Celia Lowe


Arts & Sciences, College of

Human Behavior
Policy and politics related to reducing and preparing for human-driven climate change
Jessica Lundquist


Civil and Environmental Engineering
Engineering, College of

Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Impacts on food, water, and air
Measuring and understanding climate change
Water reliability, quality, and sufficiency
Devin MacKenzie


Engineering, College of
Materials Science and Engineering
Mechanical Engineering

Clean and sustainable energy generation options
Energy and infrastructure
Don Mackenzie


Civil and Environmental Engineering
Engineering, College of

Energy and infrastructure
Human Behavior
Policy and politics related to reducing and preparing for human-driven climate change
Transportation and transit systems
Philip Malte


Engineering, College of
Mechanical Engineering

Air quality and pollution
Clean and sustainable energy generation options
Energy and infrastructure
Impacts on food, water, and air
Roger Marchand


Atmospheric Sciences
Environment, College of the

Climate models and climate predictions, simulations on warming, emissions, and other
Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Measuring and understanding climate change
Julian Marshall


Civil and Environmental Engineering
Engineering, College of

Air quality and pollution
Climate justice
Energy and infrastructure
Ethical and social justice priorities for adaptive capacities
Impact on the climate of the production and use of energy
Impacts on food, water, and air
Issues of equity
Julie Masura


Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences
UW Tacoma

Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Measuring and understanding climate change
Chris Meek


Built Environments, College of

Building infrastructure to withstand climate-related weather stress
Energy and infrastructure
Julianne Meisner


Global Health
Global Health
Medicine, School of
Public Health, School of

Human Health
Infectious and toxicological diseases
Scott Meschke


Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
Public Health, School of

Human Behavior
Policy and politics related to reducing and preparing for human-driven climate change
Michelle Montgomery


Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences
UW Tacoma

Climate justice
Ethical and social justice priorities for adaptive capacities
Human Behavior
Intergenerational justice
Issues of equity
Strategies to build resilience in communities, including effective stakeholder engagement
Cory Morin


Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
Public Health, School of

Climate models and climate predictions, simulations on warming, emissions, and other
Human Health
Infectious and toxicological diseases
Measuring and understanding climate change
Stephen Muench


Civil and Environmental Engineering
Engineering, College of

Energy and infrastructure
Transportation and transit systems
Beverly Naidus


Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences
UW Tacoma

Climate justice
Human Behavior
Issues of equity
Studies of knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, or preferences related to climate change
Kerry-Ann Naish


Aquatic and Fishery Sciences
Environment, College of the

Food security, agriculture, and aquaculture
Impacts on food, water, and air
Rebecca Neumann


Civil and Environmental Engineering
Engineering, College of

Continental biomass research
Food security, agriculture, and aquaculture
Human Health
Impacts on food, water, and air
Infectious and toxicological diseases
Measuring and understanding climate change
Jan Newton


Environment, College of the

Broad regional implications of climate change
Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Measuring and understanding climate change
Regional Impacts
Yoshitaka Ota


Environment, College of the
Marine and Environmental Affairs

Climate models and climate predictions, simulations on warming, emissions, and other
Ethical and social justice priorities for adaptive capacities
Human Behavior
Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Issues of equity
Measuring and understanding climate change
Policy and politics related to reducing and preparing for human-driven climate change
Jacqueline Padilla-Gamiño


Aquatic and Fishery Sciences
Environment, College of the

Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Measuring and understanding climate change
Julia Parrish


Arts & Sciences, College of

Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Measuring and understanding climate change
Rob Peña


Built Environments, College of

Building infrastructure to withstand climate-related weather stress
Energy and infrastructure
Brian Polagye


Engineering, College of
Mechanical Engineering

Clean and sustainable energy generation options
Energy and infrastructure
Lilo Pozzo


Chemical Engineering
Engineering, College of

Clean and sustainable energy generation options
Energy and infrastructure
Aseem Prakash


Arts & Sciences, College of
Political Science

Human Behavior
Policy and politics related to reducing and preparing for human-driven climate change
Vikramditya Prakash


Built Environments, College of

Building infrastructure to withstand climate-related weather stress
Energy and infrastructure
Gundula Proksch


Built Environments, College of

Building infrastructure to withstand climate-related weather stress
Climate justice
Energy and infrastructure
Food security, agriculture, and aquaculture
Impacts on food, water, and air
Issues of equity
Peter Rabinowitz


Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
Global Health
Medicine, School of
Public Health, School of

Food security, agriculture, and aquaculture
Human Health
Impacts on food, water, and air
Infectious and toxicological diseases
Adrian Raftery


Arts & Sciences, College of

Climate models and climate predictions, simulations on warming, emissions, and other
Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Measuring and understanding climate change
Margaret Redsteer


Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences
UW Bothell

Broad regional implications of climate change
Climate justice
Continental biomass research
Food security, agriculture, and aquaculture
Human Behavior
Impacts on food, water, and air
Issues of equity
Measuring and understanding climate change
Policy and politics related to reducing and preparing for human-driven climate change
Regional Impacts
Water reliability, quality, and sufficiency
Dorothy Reed


Engineering, College of
Industrial and Systems Engineering

Building infrastructure to withstand climate-related weather stress
Energy and infrastructure
Impact on the climate of the production and use of energy
Tivon Rice


Arts & Sciences, College of
Digital Arts and Experimental Media

Formal and informal education on climate change
Human Behavior
Gerard Roe


Earth and Space Sciences
Environment, College of the

Climate models and climate predictions, simulations on warming, emissions, and other
Measuring and understanding climate change
Joel Ross


Information School

Human Behavior
Studies of knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, or preferences related to climate change
Nancy Rottle


Built Environments, College of
Landscape Architecture

Building infrastructure to withstand climate-related weather stress
Energy and infrastructure
Eleftheria Roumeli


Engineering, College of
Materials Science and Engineering

Energy and infrastructure
Impact on the climate of the production and use of energy
Jennifer Ruesink


Arts & Sciences, College of

Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Measuring and understanding climate change
Adrienne Russell


Arts & Sciences, College of

Climate justice
Formal and informal education on climate change
Human Behavior
Issues of equity
Policy and politics related to reducing and preparing for human-driven climate change
Strategies to build resilience in communities, including effective stakeholder engagement
Studies of knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, or preferences related to climate change
Julian Sachs


Environment, College of the

Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Measuring and understanding climate change
Eric Salathé


Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences
UW Bothell

Air quality and pollution
Broad regional implications of climate change
Climate models and climate predictions, simulations on warming, emissions, and other
Impacts on food, water, and air
Measuring and understanding climate change
Regional Impacts
Water reliability, quality, and sufficiency
Francisca Santana


Environment, College of the
Environmental and Forest Sciences

Air quality and pollution
Broad regional implications of climate change
Climate justice
Ethical and social justice priorities for adaptive capacities
Human Behavior
Impacts on food, water, and air
Issues of equity
Regional Impacts
Strategies to build resilience in communities, including effective stakeholder engagement
Studies of knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, or preferences related to climate change
Mark Scheuerell


Aquatic and Fishery Sciences
Environment, College of the

Food security, agriculture, and aquaculture
Impacts on food, water, and air
Daniel Schindler


Aquatic and Fishery Sciences
Environment, College of the

Broad regional implications of climate change
Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Measuring and understanding climate change
Regional Impacts
Cody Schlenker


Arts & Sciences, College of

Clean and sustainable energy generation options
Energy and infrastructure
Dan Schwartz


Chemical Engineering
Engineering, College of

Clean and sustainable energy generation options
Energy and infrastructure
Georg Seelig


Electrical and Computer Engineering
Engineering, College of

Planetary-scale solutions
Gerald Seidler



Clean and sustainable energy generation options
Energy and infrastructure
Peter Selkin


Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences
UW Tacoma

Continental biomass research
Measuring and understanding climate change
Chirag Shah


Information School

Energy and infrastructure
Impact on the climate of the production and use of energy
Impacts on food, water, and air
Water reliability, quality, and sufficiency
David Shean


Civil and Environmental Engineering
Engineering, College of

Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Measuring and understanding climate change
Avery Cook Shinneman


Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences
UW Bothell

Climate models and climate predictions, simulations on warming, emissions, and other
Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Measuring and understanding climate change
Kate Simonen


Built Environments, College of

Human Behavior
Strategies to build resilience in communities, including effective stakeholder engagement
Ronald Sletten


Earth and Space Sciences
Environment, College of the

Continental biomass research
Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Measuring and understanding climate change
Jeff Stanaway


Health Metrics Sciences
Medicine, School of

Human Health
Infectious and toxicological diseases
Elizabeth Stearns


Foster School of Business
Marketing and International Business

Human Behavior
Studies of knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, or preferences related to climate change
Eric Steig


Earth and Space Sciences
Environment, College of the

Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Measuring and understanding climate change
Cory Struthers


Evans School of Public Policy and Governance

Human Behavior
Policy and politics related to reducing and preparing for human-driven climate change
Studies of knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, or preferences related to climate change
Abigail Swann


Atmospheric Sciences
Environment, College of the

Adapting global research to understand regional impacts
Continental biomass research
Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Measuring and understanding climate change
Regional Impacts
Timothy Takaro

Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
Public Health, School of

Impacts on food, water, and air
Water reliability, quality, and sufficiency
Jesse Oak Taylor


Arts & Sciences, College of

Human Behavior
Craig Thomas


Evans School of Public Policy and Governance

Human Behavior
Policy and politics related to reducing and preparing for human-driven climate change
Strategies to build resilience in communities, including effective stakeholder engagement
LuAnne Thompson


Environment, College of the

Climate models and climate predictions, simulations on warming, emissions, and other
Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Measuring and understanding climate change
Joel Thornton


Atmospheric Sciences
Environment, College of the

Climate models and climate predictions, simulations on warming, emissions, and other
Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Measuring and understanding climate change
Amoshaun Toft


Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences
UW Bothell

Human Behavior
David Townes


Emergency Medicine
Medicine, School of

Morbidity and mortality from injuries related to extreme weather events and conflict, including occupational health impacts
Ka-Kit Tung


Applied Mathematics
Arts & Sciences, College of

Climate models and climate predictions, simulations on warming, emissions, and other
Measuring and understanding climate change
Alex Turner


Atmospheric Sciences
Environment, College of the

Climate models and climate predictions, simulations on warming, emissions, and other
Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Measuring and understanding climate change
Jason Vogel


Climate Impacts Group
Environment, College of the

Climate justice
Issues of equity
Edwin Waddington


Earth and Space Sciences
Environment, College of the

Climate models and climate predictions, simulations on warming, emissions, and other
Measuring and understanding climate change
Yinhai Wang


Civil and Environmental Engineering
Engineering, College of

Clean and sustainable energy generation options
Energy and infrastructure
Richard Watts


Arts & Sciences, College of

Water reliability, quality, and sufficiency
Sabine Wilke


Arts & Sciences, College of

Human Behavior
Robert Wood


Atmospheric Sciences
Environment, College of the

Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Measuring and understanding climate change
Planetary-scale solutions
Rebecca Woodgate


Environment, College of the

Impact on rivers, oceans, the atmosphere, and the cryosphere
Measuring and understanding climate change