Population Health

Funding and awards

The Population Health Initiative either offers or cross-promotes a number of funding opportunities for undergraduate students, graduate students and faculty.

Undergraduate students

Recognition and travel awards are available through partnerships with Undergraduate Academic Affairs and the Odegaard Undergraduate Library. Undergraduates are also welcome to apply for Mary Gates scholarships.

Graduate students

We offer pilot awards to support research projects as well as travel awards for graduate students who have been accepted to present their work at a conference. Graduate students can also apply for travel awards through the Graduate School and Latino Center for Health, and for project funding through the UW’s Northwest Center for Public Health Practice.


The Population Health Initiative offers pilot research grants to interdisciplinary teams of UW faculty who seek to address major challenges we face in population health. We also offer a Population Health Innovation Award in partnership with CoMotion.

The University of Washington’s Alcohol & Drug Abuse Institute, CoMotion, Office of Global Affairs, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, Institute of Translational Health Sciences and the Office of Research, as well as the Gates Foundation, also offer their own funding mechanisms that support similar work.