The University District Partnership is an organization that is poised to set this district apart. Last week I had the good fortune to address this group as they celebrated all the work we have accomplished together over the past two years.
The University District Partnership includes the UW, U District businesses, residents, non-profits, and faith community and opinion leaders to cooperatively develop and manage this part of the city the UW Seattle campus calls home.

The U District is a vibrant, innovative and diverse district rich in history and ideas. Cultivating this type of creativity is what the U District Partnership will do by bringing more businesses to the Ave, promoting innovation and attracting start-ups, making the area clean and safe and creating housing that is attractive to not only students but to our faculty and staff and others who want to live closer to where they work.
City Council President Tim Burgess, who is 100% behind the work of the Partnership, also attended the event and introduced many city department heads who have been critical to the efforts to date. I am so proud of this community, city and the university partnership.