Earlier this week I had the opportunity to sit down with the staff of The Daily, our student newspaper, for a wide-ranging conversation that touched on everything from our University’s Race and Equity Initiative, to questions of free speech to the changing nature of journalism. In these days when our social media feeds are chock full of clickbait and dubious headlines, and we’re forced to dissect “fake news” and “alternative facts,” it was gratifying to meet with students who are committed to the ideals of an independent press. (For more info on fake news and how to detect it, see our course, Calling Bullshit in the Age of Big Data offered through the Information School.)
Transparency and accountable is necessary for a strong democracy — so is a public is informed and engaged with the issues. A strong, independent press is critical to both. Over the years, the Daily has taken me to task more than a few times. I’ve learned a lot from those critiques, though I don’t always agree with the views of some writers. Still, I’m always glad they are there. All of us at the UW should be.