As a University, we must do all that we can to prevent and respond compassionately and effectively to sexual misconduct, including sexual assault, relationship violence, domestic violence, stalking and sexual harassment. To improve our ability to do so, we have created a Title IX Investigation Office, which as of May 16 is responsible for investigating allegations involving students. The investigators in this office have the experience and training to ensure a thorough investigation, due process and a trauma-informed approach, based in an understanding of how to recognize and respond to different forms of trauma. At the same time, we are also reshaping the hearing process by establishing designated Title IX Panels, which will consist of faculty who will receive in-depth training on the complexities and sensitivities of adjudicating sexual misconduct cases. Every member of our community deserves to be respected and supported, and these changes reflect our ongoing commitment to preventing and responding to sexual misconduct. For all students, the UW Police Department’s Victim Advocate is a resource, as is the Health & Wellness Advocate for students enrolled in Seattle. These advocates provide confidential support, information and assistance. This includes options for reporting sexual assault, relationship violence and other forms of sexual misconduct, whether to the University and/or law enforcement. As always, if you or someone you know has been impacted by sexual assault or any other form of sexual misconduct, please connect with one of our advocates. To reach an advocate or for more information visit the Sexual Assault Resources website. |
Contact the Advocates UWPD Victim Advocate Health & Wellness Advocate With the advocates, you can: Share as much or as little information as you would like to share. Learn about common reactions to sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking, sexual harassment, trauma and other experiences. Learn about your rights and reporting options. Discuss safety planning, academic support and referrals to additional resources. |