At the University of Washington, our success as a community of students, faculty and staff depends on creating an environment that does not tolerate sexual assault, sexual harassment or gender-based harassment or discrimination. This requires building a culture of inclusion and respect for all, including all bodies, gender identities, orientations and expressions. The responsibility for building that culture lies with all of us — but it is especially incumbent upon those of us in leadership roles to set and maintain these standards.
Presidential Blog
A win for Washington
Yesterday, we had a lot to celebrate in Pullman, including a fantastic win by our Husky Football team. But what really warmed my heart on that cold, wet, snowy day were the ways our state came together.
Giving thanks, and hoping for a bright future
In this season of thanks, throughout our nation, and here in the Pacific Northwest, we live in a landscape and time of contradictions. We are surrounded by the natural beauty of mountains, waters and forests and we are home to a culture of innovation creating prosperity and incredible advances in science, technology, medicine, music and art. We have much to be grateful for.
Team of rivals – working with WSU for Washington students
This week, as we gear up for an epic contest on the football field, the University of Washington and Washington State University are joining forces in support of something even more important than the outcome of the Apple Cup: ensuring students and their families in the state of Washington know that earning a four-year degree is possible. As our state’s two public research universities, it’s our shared responsibility to dispel the myths and misperceptions about college affordability and the value of a college degree on the job market.
Research shows that many students and their families think a college degree is financially out of reach. But national headlines about rising tuition, student debt and default rates obscure an important truth here in Washington. Nearly half of bachelor’s degree earners in Washington – and 60 percent at the UW – leave with no debt at all. And of those students who do take on loans for their undergraduate education, the average in our state is less than $24,000 for all four years. Indeed, Washington ranks second in the nation in the amount of financial aid it provides to undergraduates to pay for college, and through the Husky Promise, the UW ensures that the cost of tuition is not a barrier for low-income students.
The data showing the value of a college degree are just as clear. Regardless of background or family wealth, college graduates earn more and are more likely to have productive careers and healthier, more rewarding lives. College truly does create a leveling effect and it’s one of our most powerful tools for increasing equity, diversity and inclusion. But it starts with students and families across Washington having accurate information about the availability and affordability of our public colleges and universities.
This Friday, I’ll be rooting loud and proud for the Huskies from the first whistle to the last. But I’ll also be arm-in-arm with our friends and colleagues from WSU and all of our state’s public universities and community and technical colleges to ensure that Washington’s students can see that their path to higher education really is possible. They just have to take the first step.
International education benefits us all
Here at the University of Washington, International Education Week is an occasion to reflect on how important and valuable international education is to our students’ success and our impact as a global research university. From opportunities for our U.S. students to study abroad to welcoming students, scholars, faculty and partners from all over the world, international education benefits all of us.
Supporting and celebrating our first-generation college students
For students who become the first in their family to earn a college degree, the impact of that achievement can be transformative, for themselves and for their families. And the impact can be felt for generations. The power of college to increase equity is what makes the UW so pleased to once again be participating in the National First Generation College Celebration.
Join in honoring the UW’s veterans
At the University of Washington, Veterans’ Appreciation is a special time in which we pause to acknowledge the courage and sacrifice of our veterans and all who have served, both in our community and across our nation. To recognize their service, I invite you to take part in some of the Veterans Appreciation events, November 6-11, across our three campuses.
Through Be the Match, your impact could be life-saving
We often talk about our work at the University of Washington in terms of impact – and our impact truly is felt across our state and the world. But each of us also has the opportunity to make an impact in profound and personal ways. One way that you can make an impact with the potential to actually save a life is by learning about Be the Match, an organization that manages the world’s largest marrow registry.
In the face of tragedy, what can we do?
It is with great sadness that I write to our community to express my deepest condolences to all who have been affected by the truly horrific events of this past week, and especially the shootings at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh.
The UW’s commitment to our trans and gender nonconforming community members will not change
At the University of Washington, we are committed to making our campuses and communities a welcoming environment for ALL of our community members, including our transgender and gender nonconforming students and employees. And we are united in recognizing trans rights as human rights.